Quest 114

From Ethene
Name Cat's Meow to Help ネコの手も借りるのニャ
Location King Ladis Island
Coordinates C3 (Beach Hut)
NPC Myarji ミャルジ
Requirements Complete Quest 113
Previous Quest 113
Next Quest -
Rewards (First Time / Repeat)
Experience 50900 P -
Fame 103 P -
Rewards 1 Blue Orb 5 Blue Eye


  1. Enter the Beach Hut in King Ladis Island C3 to start the quest with a scene.
  2. Go to Big Cat Nest, in the deepest area of Cat Island.
  3. Entering the nest will trigger a cutscene and a boss battle against Hippo Sardon.
  4. Enjoy the Julet Town substory finale, as the quest chain will be completed after the scene.