Quest 501 - 550
From Ethene
List of quests, from #501 to #550.
- Quest 501 - Lights the Stars (はかなき星に光を)
- Quest 502 - His longing person (あこがれの彼の人)
- Quest 503 - The Secret of a Female Doctor (ある女医の秘密)
- Quest 504 - What to tell (伝えるべきもの)
- Quest 505 - We are with nature (我らは自然と共に)
- Quest 506 - Village Guardian (里の守り手)
- Quest 507 - Ferina's determination (フェリナの決意)
- Quest 508 - Convened! Five territories talks (招集! 五領界会談)
- Quest 509 - Uninvited (招かれざる者たち)
- Quest 510 - Ryujin's Legacy (竜神の遺産)
- Quest 511 - Listen to the sound of the wind (風の音色を聴け)
- Quest 512 - Hometown is far away (故郷は遠きにありて)
- Quest 513 - Stationery is stronger than pen (便せんはペンよりも強し)
- Quest 514 - Talent of a young sculptor (若き彫刻家の才能)
- Quest 515 - Promised Beast (約束の獣)
- Quest 516 - Seeking a warrior's signature (闘士のサインを求めて)
- Quest 517 - First dress (はじめてのドレス)
- Quest 518 - In pursuit of a dress (ドレスを追い求めて)
- Quest 519 - Promise of the day (あの日の約束)
- Quest 520 - My destiny (オレさまの宿命)
- Quest 521 - Ideal training method (理想の鍛錬法)
- Quest 522 - Feelings of the Red Sunset (紅き落日の想い)
- Quest 523 - Guardian of the Snow Mountain (雪山の守り人)
- Quest 524 - to go beyond that (その先に行くために)
- Quest 525 - Gerd Courage Ritual (ゲルト・勇気の儀式)
- Quest 526 - Mereade's Room (メレアーデのお部屋)
- Quest 527 - Beautiful Avenger (麗しのアヴェンジャー)
- Quest 528 - VIP room has a dangerous scent (VIPルームは危険な香り)
- Quest 529 - Farewell Beloved Poiclin (さらば愛しきポイックリン)
- Quest 530 - Gear-based sales strategy (歯車じかけの販売戦略)
- Quest 531 - Fairy antiques (妖精の古道具)
- Quest 532 - Chasing the pendant (ペンダントを追って)
- Quest 533 - Promised Lost Child (約束の迷い子)
- Quest 534 - In Search of Ancient Idols (太古の偶像を求めて)
- Quest 535 - Burning romance jewel (燃えるロマンの宝石)
- Quest 536 - Things that keep coming back (よみがえり続けるもの)
- Quest 537 - Invention of a troublesome smeller (面倒臭がり屋さんの発明)
- Quest 538 - Those who follow the light (光をたどる者)
- Quest 539 - The shadow of light (光が秘めた陰影)
- Quest 540 - Birth of a blue flash (青き閃光の誕生)
- Quest 541 - Secret Surprise Operation! (秘密のサプライズ大作戦!)
- Quest 542 - Dress up chic (シックに着こなして)
- Quest 543 - Beyond the Guild Master (ギルドマスターを超えて)
- Quest 544 - Imadoki Playboy (イマドキの遊び人)
- Quest 545 - A spectacular view of rumor (ウワサのイタ映え絶景)
- Quest 546 - Twilight in the Tsusukuru field (ツスクル畑でたがやして)
- Quest 547 - Honey Party! (ハニーパーティー!)
- Quest 548 - Playboy's liver test (遊び人の肝試し)
- Quest 549 - Playboy Fireworks (遊び人ファイアワークス)
- Quest 550 - Catch the different colors of the illusion! (幻の色違いを釣りあげろ!)