
Skill List: Difference between revisions

From Ethene
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Usable by Priests, Martial Artists, Paladins, and Item Masters.
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! Japanese Name !! Japanese Translated !! English Name !! Description !! MP Cost !! Charge Time !! SP Needed
| けもの突装備時こうげ (''Kemonotsuki'')力+10 || BeastAttack ThrustPower While Equipped +10 || Cattle Prod- || Deals anIncreases attack toby a10 singlewhile targetequipped thatwith dealsa 1.5 times damage against beast-type enemiesspear. || 1- || - || 7p3p
| 雷鳴けもの突き (''Raimeitsuki'') || ThunderBeast Thrust || ?Cattle Prod || Deals an attack to a single target that deals 1.25 times damage plusagainst additional lightningbeast-type damageenemies. || 21 || - || 35p7p
| 装備時武器ガード率+4% || Weapon Guard Rate While Equipped +4% || - || Increases the chance to parry attacks by 4% while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 13p
| 一閃突き (''Issendzukiki'') || Single Flash Thrust || Thunder Thrust || '''(Priest, Paladin, Item Master Exclusive)''' Deals an attack to a single target that has a 50% chance to hit, but will deal a guaranteed critical hit if it connects. || 8 || - || 76p
| 装備時かいしん率+2% || Critical Rate While Equipped +2% || - || Increases the chance to get a critical hit by 2% while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 22p
| 狼牙突き (''Rōgetsuki'') || Wolf Fang Thrust || ? || Deals an attack to targets in front of you in a straight line that deals 2 times damage. || 6 || - || 100p '''(76p skill if Martial Artist)'''
| 一閃雷鳴突き・改 (''Issendzukiki Kai'') || Single FlashThunder Thrust - Revised || ?Lightning Conductor || '''(Martial Artist Exclusive)''' Deals an attack to a single target that willdeals either1.2 causetimes adamage criticalplus hit,additional or an attack that deals 2.7 timesthunder damage. || 82 || - || 100p35p
| 装備時武器ガード率+4% || Weapon Guard Rate While Equipped +5% || - || Increases the chance to parry attacks by 5% while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 42p
| さみだれ突き (''Samidaretsuki'') || Samidare Thrust || Multi Thrust || Deals four attacks to random enemies in front of you that deal 0.9 times damage per hit. || 4 || 10/25 || 120p
| 装備時こうげき力+10 || Attack Power While Equipped +15 || - || Increases attack by 15 while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 58p
| ジゴスパーク (''Jigosupāku'') || Jigospark || Lightning Storm || Deals lightning-based damage to all enemies around the user, reducing their lightning resistance and a chance to paralyze them. || 8 || 30/60 || 140p
| 武神の護法 (''Bushinnogohō'')一閃突き || Warrior'sSingle Flash ProtectionThrust || ?Thunder Thrust || Deals an attack to a single target that dealshas 2.5a times damage, with a50% chance to reducehit, thebut enemy'swill attackdeal damagea byguaranteed 30% for 30 seconds. Also increases the user's weapon guardcritical ratehit forif 30it secondsconnects. || 68 || I(90/180) II(65/140) III(45/90)- || 180p*76p
| 装備時こうげき力+10 || Attack Power While Equipped +20 || - || Increases attack by 20 while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 88p
| 狼牙突き (''Rōgetsuki'') || Wolf Fang Thrust || ? || Deals an attack to targets in front of you in a straight line that deals 2 times damage. || 6 || - || 100p '''(76p skill if Martial Artist)'''
| 装備時かいしん率+2% || Critical Rate While Equipped +3% || - || Increases the chance to get a critical hit by 3% while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 110p
| さみだれ突き (''Samidaretsuki'') || Samidare Thrust || Multi ThrustMultithrust || Deals four attacks to random enemies in front of you that deal 0.9 times damage per hit. || 4 || 10/25 || 120p
| 装備時武器ガード率+4% || Weapon Guard Rate While Equipped +3% || - || Increases the chance to parry attacks by 3% while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 130p
| ジゴスパーク (''Jigosupāku'') || Jigospark || Lightning Storm || Deals lightning-based damage to all enemies around the user, reducing their lightning resistance and a chance to paralyze them. || 8 || 30/60 || 140p
| 装備時こうげき力+10 || Attack Power While Equipped +10 || - || Increases attack by 10 while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 150p
| 武神の護法 || Warrior's Protection || ? || Deals an attack to a single target that deals 2.5 times damage, with a chance to reduce the enemy's attack damage by 30% for 30 seconds. Also increases the user's weapon guard rate for 30 seconds. || 6 || I(90/180) II(65/140) III(45/90) || 180p*
| 超さみだれ突き (''Chōsamidaretsuki'') || Super Samidare Thrust || ? || Deals five attacks to a single target. || 8 || I(55/110) II(35/55) || 200p*
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! Japanese Name !! Japanese Translated !! English Name !! Description !! MP Cost !! Charge Time !! SP Needed
| 装備時こうげき力+20 || Attack Power While Equipped +20 || - || Increases attack by 20 while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 3p
| けもの突き || Beast Thrust || Cattle Prod || Deals an attack to a single target that deals 1.5 times damage against beast-type enemies. || 1 || - || 7p
| 装備時かいしん率+5% || Critical Rate While Equipped +5% || - || Increases the chance to get a critical hit by 5% while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 13p
| 装備時こうげき力+20 || Attack Power While Equipped +20 || - || Increases attack by 20 while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 22p
| 雷鳴突き || Thunder Thrust || Lightning Conductor || Deals an attack to a single target that deals 1.2 times damage plus additional thunder damage. || 2 || - || 35p
| 装備時武器ガード率+8% || Weapon Guard Rate While Equipped +8% || - || Increases the chance to parry attacks by 8% while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 42p
| 装備時こうげき力+25 || Attack Power While Equipped +25 || - || Increases attack by 25 while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 58p
| 狼牙突き || Wolf Fang Thrust || ? || Deals an attack to targets in front of you in a straight line that deals 2 times damage. || 6 || - || 76p
| 装備時こうげき力+30 || Attack Power While Equipped +30 || - || Increases attack by 30 while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 88p
| 一閃突き・改 || Single Flash Thrust - Revised || ? || Deals an attack to a single target that will either cause a critical hit, or an attack that deals 2.7 times damage. || 8 || - || 100p
| 行動時10%でバイシオン || Bashion When Action 10% || - || You have a 10% chance to increase your attack by 1 stage when executing any action while equipped with a spear. || - || - || 110p
| さみだれ突き || Samidare Thrust || Multithrust || Deals four attacks to random enemies in front of you that deal 0.9 times damage per hit. || 4 || 10/25 || 120p
| 攻撃時5%でためる || Build Up When Attacking 5% || - || You have a 5% chance to increase your tension by 1 level when attacking with a spear. || - || - || 130p
| ジゴスパーク || Jigospark || Lightning Storm || Deals lightning-based damage to all enemies around the user, reducing their lightning resistance and a chance to paralyze them. || 8 || 30/60 || 140p
| テンション時ダメージ+300 || Damage During Tension +300 || - || Increases damage dealt by 300 while you have tension. || - || - || 150p
| 武神の護法 || Warrior's Protection || ? || Deals an attack to a single target that deals 2.5 times damage, with a chance to reduce the enemy's attack damage by 30% for 30 seconds. Also increases the user's weapon guard rate for 30 seconds. || 6 || I(90/180) II(65/140) III(45/90) || 180p*
| 超さみだれ突き (''Chōsamidaretsuki'') || Super Samidare Thrust || ? || Deals five attacks to a single target. || 8 || I(55/110) II(35/55) || 200p*
===Boomerang (ブーメラン) Skills===
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