Demon Swordsman

From Ethene
Elf in the Demon Swordsman outfit and pose

This is a page that will be used for information about the Demon Swordsman class.

Class List



Class Quests

Unlock Quest: Quest 661 - Demon Swordsman Career Change Quest: Magic Swordsman Tavern (魔剣士転職クエスト:魔剣士の酒場)

Quest 662 - Demon Swordsman Quest Episode 1: Black Reunion (魔剣士クエスト第1話:黒き再会)
Quest 663 - Demon Swordsman Quest Episode 2: Girl's Cry (魔剣士クエスト第2話:少女の叫び)
Quest 664 - Demon Swordsman Quest Episode 3: Memory of Tragedy (魔剣士クエスト第3話:惨劇の記憶)
Quest 665 - Demon Swordsman Quest Episode 4: Feeling of the Blade (魔剣士クエスト第4話:刃の感触)
Quest 666 - Demon Swordsman Quest Episode 5: To the Bottom of Despair (魔剣士クエスト第5話:絶望の底へ)

Class Tree Skills

NOTE: Any skill with a(専)is an "exclusive" skill, meaning it only applies to the current class.

Spiritual Ability (霊感)
Japanese Name Japanese Translated English Name Description MP Cost Charge Time SP Needed
邪炎波(専)(Jaenha) Evil Flame Wave (Exclusive) ? Deals a darkness-attribute attack to a single target and any enemies surrounding that target. 8 - 40
いてつくはどう(専)(Itesuku hadō) Freezing Waves (Exclusive) Disruption Wave Removes all positive status effects of all enemies in a cone in front of you. 6 - 70
暗黒連撃(専)(Ankoku rengeki) Dark Barrage (Exclusive) ? Deals five darkness-attribute attacks to a single enemy for 0.88 to 0.98 times damage. 8 - 100
闇の加護(専)(Yami no kago) Blessing of Darkness (Exclusive) ? Grants an ally an effect where you will receive a portion of the damage they take for the next 120 seconds. 10 50/90 120
ダークマター(専)(Dākumatā) Dark Matter (Exclusive) ? Deals a darkness-attribute attack to all enemies around you, and reduces their darkness resistance by 50% for 40 seconds. 12 30/50 140
波動解放(専)(Hadō kaihō) Wave Release (Exclusive) ? Doubles the increase rate on your wave gauge for 300 seconds. Only usable after activating 闇のヴェール (Dark Veil). 8 0/220 150
煉獄魔斬(専)(Rengoku mazan) Purgatory Demon Slash (Exclusive) ? Deals three darkness-attribute attacks to a single target for 2.08 to 2.18 times damage. 8 I(75/100), II(55/80), III(35/60) 180*