
From Ethene
Name Alphyn (キマイラロード)
Lv 96 Weight 612
HP 4207 MP 101
EXP 1506 Gold 13
Attack 416 Defense 357
Family Beast-type
Weaknesses Wind
Resistances Fire, Ice, Thunder
Locations Found Dematode Highlands, Zedra Cave, Historic Ruins
Secret Trivia べリアルの翼とバズズの胴体そして キングレオの頭を組み合わせた究極の生命体。だが 本家には かなわない。
Common Loot Wing of Bat
Rare Loot Flowing Dress Story
Equip Chest Drops Stella Twister, Dragon Wing
Master Orb Jewels Forbidden MP Up, Endless Feel the Burn, Secret of Bang Spells