Asura King

From Ethene
Name Asura King (アスラ王)
Lv 64 Weight 550
HP 6200 MP 999
EXP 1832 Gold 42
Attack 250 Defense 240
Family Zombie-type
Weaknesses Earth
Resistances Fire, Ice, Darkness
Locations Found Glen West, Boronus Lava Flow, True Lyana Desolate Area, True Al-Ahagiro Region, True Defel Desert
Secret Trivia 残虐非道な殺りくの数々を見たボーンファイターたちに戦いの神と崇められている。王は今日も修羅の道をゆく。
Common Loot Yggdrasil Leaf
Rare Loot Ring of Riddance
Equip Chest Drops Zombiesbane
Master Orb Jewels Secret of Big Banga