Battle Icons

From Ethene

Battle icons are either positive or negative status effects seen either next to a party member in the party member frame (bottom-right), or next to an enemy's nameplate. Below is a list of all effects as seen in the in-game menu (Misc. > Play Guide > Battle Icons List.)

Battle Icons List

Icon Effect Description Maximum Stages Source
Max HP ↑ Maximum HP increases. 1 Cantlin's Secret
Vital Recital
Life Staff I
Holy Grain
Lively Light
Attack ↑ Attack increases by up to 2 stages. 2 Oomph
etc. (too many sources)
Attack Plus Attack increases by up to 2 stages. 2 Feel the Burn
Demon's Duet
Fang of God I
Fang of God+ I
Stash Power
Iron Advance Attack is increased by a percentage of your defense. 1 Iron Advance I
File:Magicalmightplus.jpg Magical Might Plus Magical might increases. 2 Channel Tantrum
Defense ↑ Defense increases by up to 2 stages. 2 Buff, Kabuff, etc. (too many sources)
File:Defenseplus.jpg Defense Plus Defense increases. 2 N/A
File:Deftnessplus.jpg Deftness Plus Deftness increases. 2 N/A
Weight ↑ Weight increases. 1 Thunk
Heavy Charge
Immovable Object I
Stone Defense
Attributes ↑ Attack, defense, magical might, magical mending, and dodge rate increase. 1 Pet Monster
Movement Speed ↑ Increases your movement speed. 1 ???
Faster Turns Shortens action interval by 0.5 seconds per stage. 2 Accelerate, Acceleratle
File:Intervaldown2.jpg Faster Turns Action interval is shortened. 1 Gone Ballistic
File:Zerointerval.jpg Zero Interval
File:Zodiaccode.jpg Zodiac Code
Faster Spellcasting Increases your spellcasting speed. 1 Faster Caster
Faster Spellcasting Casting time of spells reduced to 1 second. 1 Spelly Breath
Faster Skills Increases your skill execution speed. 1 ???
Charge Time Reduced Shortens the charge time of your CT skills. 1 Clock Charge, Brave Charge
Critical/Haywire ↑ Increases your critical hit rate. 1 ???
File:Criticalup2.jpg Critical/Haywire ↑ Increases your critical hit rate. 1 ???
File:Criticalup3.jpg Critical/Haywire ↑ Increases your critical hit rate. 1 ???
Guaranteed Haywire Your spells will always go haywire. 1 Reverse Enlightenment
File:Alwayscrit.jpg Guaranteed Critical
Spell Power ↑ Increases spell power by 1.5 times at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stages. 2 ???
File:Spellpowerup2.jpg Spell Power ↑
File:Damagelimitbreak.jpg Damage Limit Break
Spell Limit Break Increases damage limit of spells. 1 Channel Rage I, 0 Zone
Spell Recovery ↑ Increases recovery power by 1.5 times at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stages. 2 ???
File:Recoveryup2.jpg Spell Recovery ↑ 1 ???
Damage Dealt ↑ Increases all damage dealt. 1 Wild Cry
Tarot Boost Increases the effectiveness of your tarot cards. 1 ???
HP Recovery Attack Recover HP whenever you attack an enemy. 1 ???
File:Hprecoverattack2.jpg HP Recovery Attack 1 ???
MP Recovery Attack Recover MP whenever you attack an enemy. 1 ???
Envenom Attack Your attacks have a chance to inflict poison. 1 ???
Recovery HP On Block Recovers HP whenever you block with a shield. 1 Power Shield
File:Atteributedamageup.jpg Attribute Damage ↑ 1 ???
Fire Fource Your attacks gain the fire attribute. 1 Fire Fource
Frost Fource Your attacks gain the ice attribute. 1 Frost Fource
Gale Fource Your attacks gain the wind and thunder attributes. 1 Gale Fource
Funereal Fource Your attacks gain the dark and earth attributes. 1 Funereal Fource
Life Fource Your attacks gain the light attribute. 1 Life Fource
Whipping Boy You are currently taking damage in place of another party member. 1 Whipping Boy
Dark Gift Reduces damage of a selected ally by 75% and you take the damage instead. 1 ???
Scapeguard Reduce damage taken by 100 and automatically protect nearby allies from attacks. 1 Scape Guard
Dodge Rate ↑ Increases your dodge rate. 1 Tap Dance
Fixed Parry Rate Increases parrying rate when wielding a greatsword. 1 Greatsword Guard
File:Parryupspear.jpg Parry Rate ↑
File:Parryuprod.jpg Parry Rate ↑
Fixed Parry Rate Increases parrying rate when wielding a scythe. 1 ???
File:Blockup2.jpg Block Rate ↑
Block Rate ↑ Increases shield block rate. 1 Immense Defense
File:Roughntumble.jpg Rough 'n' Tumble
File:Shockingtwist.jpg Shocking Twist
Wall of Light Reflects spells back at the caster. 1 Bound, Bounce
Snub Nullifies all attack spells used against you. 1 Snub
Absorb Magic When hit by a spell, restore MP equal to that spell's MP cost. 1 Absorb Magic
Magic Cloak Recovers 10% of damage received as MP. 1 ???
Mist Me Nullifies the next breath attack received. 1 Mist Me
Backdraft Reflects breath attacks back at the caster. 1 ???
Right as Rain Recovers 20% of damage received as HP. 1 Right as Rain, Miracle Rain
Critical Guard Reduces damage taken from critical attacks, desperate attacks, and haywire spells. 1 Critical Guard
File:Desperatemeasures.jpg Desperate Measures
Physical Null Nullifies all physical damage taken. 1 ???
Spell Null Nullifies all spell damage taken. 1 ???
Damage Null Nullifies all damage taken. 1 ???
File:Paladinspalisade.jpg Paladin's Palisade
File:Knightwatch.jpg Knight Watch
File:Undyingwill.jpg Undying Will
Invulnerability Become immune to all damage for a short while after being revived. 1 On revival
Damage Mitigation Reduces damage taken by 20%. 1 Phalanx
File:Damagereduction.jpg Damage Reduction
File:Bodyguard1.jpg Bodyguard
File:Bodyguard2.jpg Bodyguard
File:Bodyguard3.jpg Bodyguard
Spell Res. ↑ Increases spell resistance by 20% per stage. 2 Mage Ward, Magic Barrier
Breath Res. ↑ Increases breath resistance by 20% per stage. 2 Insulate, Insulatle, Clear Mind
File:Attributeresup.jpg Attribute Res. ↑
Ailment Res. ↑ Increases resistance to harmful status effects by 50%. 1 Holy Impregnable
Ailment Null Nullifies any bad status effects. 1 Snap Crackle Poof
Ailment Null Nullifies a bad status effect one time. 1 Ailment Curtailment
Knockback Res. ↑ Increases your resistance to being knocked down. 1 Immovable Object
Jump Attack Null Protects against an attack that requires jumping to dodge one time. 1 Hop Stick
Alma Mater Survive at 1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP is at least 50% or more. 1 Alma Mater
Divine Intervention Survive at 1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP is at least 2 or more. 1 Divine Blessing
Goddess' Grace Revive a short while after dying. 1 Goddess' Grace
HP Regeneration Gradually recovers HP over a duration. 1 Reheal, Remidheal, Remoreheal
MP Regeneration Gradually recovers MP over a duration. 1 ???
HP Link Share your HP pool with another player's HP pool. 1 HP Link
MP Link Share your MP pool with another player's MP pool. 1 MP Link
Zero MP Cost MP cost of spells is reduced to 0. 1 ???
Consume No Tension Stops your tension from decreasing. 1 ???
Zero Gold Cost Skills with gold costs have their cost reduced to 0. 1 ???
File:Freetarots.jpg Free Tarots
Spirit Winds Displayed when a vocation specific special effect is currently active. 1 Varies
Tension Boost In a tension state. Increases the damage or recovery of your next action based on how high your tension is. 4 ???
Feel the Burn Increases your tension whenever you take damage. 1 ???
Tension Link Gain tension whenever the ally you linked with gains tension. 1 ???
Tension Link Gain tension whenever the monster you linked with gains tension. 1 ???
Tension On Action ↑ Increases your tension whenever you use an action. 1 ???
Double Dose Doubles the effectiveness of your consumable items. 1 Double Dip
Item Range Tech Increases the range of your consumable item effects to multiple targets. 1 Item Range Tech
File:Arcanadivination.jpg Arcana Divination
File:Tarotsunavailable.jpg Tarots Unavailable
Seriously Lucky Dip Increases the effectiveness of your "Play" actions. 1 ???
Seriously Whimsical Increases the effectiveness of your "Whimsical" actions. 1 ???
Follow Suit Reflects a percentage of damage taken. 1 ???
File:Thatspecialsummon.jpg That Special Summon
File:Spiritrelease.jpg Spirit Release
Summon Dead One of your spirits is currently summoned. 1 ???
Spirit Guidance One of your spirits is ordered to attack a target. 1 ???
Spirit Defense One of your spirits is defending allies. 1 ???
Wave Gauge Boost Doubles the gauge increase of your Wave Gauge. 1 ???
File:Goneballistic.jpg Gone Ballistic
File:Peppedup.jpg Pepped Up
File:Foodeffect.jpg Food Effect
File:Perfumeeffect.jpg Perfume Effect
File:Attractioneffect.jpg Attraction Effect
File:Safepassageeffect.jpg Safe Passage Effect
File:Charmeffect.jpg Charm Effect
File:Cardeffect.jpg Card Effect
File:Expenhancement.jpg EXP Enhancement
File:Anger.jpg Anger
File:Enrage.jpg Enrage
Max HP ↓ Reduces maximum HP. 1 ???
Attack ↓ Reduces attack by 20% per stage. 2 ???
Defense ↓ Reduces defense by 20% per stage. 2 ???
Zero Defense Defense is reduced to 0. 1 ???
Weight ↓ Reduces weight by 50%. 1 ???
Movement Speed ↓ Reduces movement speed. 1 ???
Slower Turns Lengthens action interval by 1 second at 1 stage, and 1.5 seconds at 2 stages. 2 ???
Damage Dealt ↓ Reduces damage dealt by 30%. 1 ???
Spell Power ↓ Reduces spell power by 50% at 1 stage, and 75% at 2 stages. 2 ???
Spell Res. ↓ Reduces spell resistance by 40% at 1 stage, and 60% at 2 stages. If a monster uses it against you, it will be 20% at 1 stage and 40% at 2 stages instead. 2 ???
File:Breathresdown.jpg Breath Res. ↓
Fire Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to fire-based attacks. 1 ???
Ice Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to ice-based attacks. 1 ???
Wind Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to wind-based attacks. 1 King Fissure
Thunder Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to thunder-based attacks. 1 ???
Earth Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to earth-based attacks. 1 Magma
Dark Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to dark-based attacks. 1 ???
Light Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to light-based attacks. 1 ???
All Resistances ↓ Reduces resistance to all elemental attributes. 1 Fource Break
Damage Taken ↑ Increases damage the target takes by 1.5 times. 1 Somersault Claw, Revol Slicer, Cerberus Rondo
Enthrall Res. ↓ Reduces an enemy's resistance to being charmed. 1 ???
Ailment Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to harmful status effects. 1 ???
Poison/Envenomation A fixed amount of damage is inflicted at a set interval. 1 ???
Electrification Deals a percentage of HP damage to you and any nearby allies every 2 seconds. 1 ???
Confusion Become confused and attack enemies and allies randomly. Damage taken may break the effect early. 1 ???
Curse Become cursed. Cannot escape from battle and there is a 50% chance your action will not be executed. Also may decrease your maximum HP, or deal continuous HP/MP damage. 1 ???
Paralysis Become paralyzed and become unable to move or act. 1 ???
Sleep Fall asleep and become unable to act. Damage taken may break the effect early. 1 ???
Charm Become charmed and attack allies instead of enemies. 1 ???
Bedazzlement Reduces the accuracy of physical attacks. 1 ???
Spell Seal Spells cannot be used. 1 ???
Skill Seal Skills cannot be used. 1 ???
Breath Seal Breath attacks cannot be used. 1 ???
Laugh Become incapacitated. Cannot move or act. 1 ???
Knockdown 1
Bind 1
Frighten 1
Freeze 1
Dance 1
Stun 1
Fear Become horrified. Movement speed is slowed. 1 ???
Death You are dead. Cannot act until revived. If all party members die, the battle ends. 1 -
EXP & Gold ↑ Increases experience and gold gained from an enemy. 1 Best Smile
Training Stamps ↑ Increases experience, gold and special training stamps gained from an enemy. 1 Million Smile

Miscellaneous Effects

These effects are not documented in the in-game Battle Icons List, but are seen throughout different types of content.

Icon Effect Description Maximum Stages Source
No Revive Cannot be revived by any means. 1 Varies
Petrified Turned to stone. Cannot move or act. 1 Varies
No Damage Reduces damage dealt, or causes you to be unable to deal any damage at all. (Depends on source) 1 Varies.
Blackflame Deals damage to you over time. 1 Varies
Damage Dealt ↑ Increases all damage dealt. (Only applies in Astoltia Defense Force) 1 Oomph Book
Damage Mitigation Reduces all damage taken. (Only applies in Astoltia Defense Force) 1 Buff Book
Gilam Magic You currently have a Gilam Magic effect applied. (Only applies in Banma Tower) 1 Gilam Magic