Battle Icons: Difference between revisions

From Ethene
Content deleted Content added
Merges all of the core battle icons listed in game into one table (some negative effects were mixed into the positive effects table); Adds missing entries for the battle icons that are listed in game, but weren't previously here; Rewrote some descriptions to match what is shown in game. This update is incomplete as it was significant effort, but has enough here for someone to finish filling in the missing rows.
(2 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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Battle icons are either positive or negative status effects seen either next to a party member in the party member frame (bottom-right), or next to an enemy's nameplate. Below is a list of all effects as seen in the in-game menu ('''Misc.''' > '''Play Guide''' > '''Battle Icons List'''.)
Here will be a list of icons used during battle. They are separated into positive status effects and negative status effects.
==Positive Status Effects==
==Battle Icons List==
{| class="wikitable"
! Icon !! Effect !! Description !! Maximum Stages !! Source
! Icon !! Description !! Maximum Stages !! Source
| [[File:attackupmaxhpup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesMax attackHP by 20%|| perMaximum stageHP increases. || 21 || Oomph,Cantlin's Secret<br>Vital Recital<br>Life Staff I<br>Holy Grain<br>Lively OomphleLight
| [[File:defenseupattackup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesAttack defense↑ || Attack increases by 20%up perto stage2 stages. || 2 || Buff,Oomph<br>Oomphle<br>etc. (too Kabuffmany sources)
| [[File:intervaldownattackpowerup.jpg|50px]] || ShortensAttack actionPlus interval|| Attack increases by 0.5up secondsto per2 stagestages. || 2 || Accelerate,Feel the Burn<br>Demon's Duet<br>Fang of God I<br>Fang of God+ AcceleratleI<br>Stash Power
| [[File:spellpowerupdeftoatk.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesIron spellAdvance power|| byAttack 1.5is timesincreased atby 1a stage,percentage andof 2your times at 2 stagesdefense. || 21 || ???Iron Advance I
| [[File:recoveryupmagicalmightplus.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesMagical recoveryMight powerPlus by|| 1.5Magical timesmight at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stagesincreases. || 2 || ???Channel Tantrum
| [[File:breathresistupdefenseup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDefense breath resistance|| Defense increases by 20%up perto stage2 stages. || 2 || InsulateBuff, InsulatleKabuff, Clearetc. (too many Mindsources)
| [[File:spellresistupdefenseplus.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDefense spellPlus resistance|| byDefense 20% per stageincreases. || 2 || Mage Ward, Magic BarrierN/A
| [[File:weightupdeftnessplus.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDeftness weightPlus by|| 1.5Deftness (Thunk) or 2 times (Heavy Charge)increases. || 12 || Thunk, Heavy Charge, ???N/A
| [[File:spelldamagelimitweightup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesWeight damage limit|| ofWeight spellsincreases. || 1 || ???Thunk<br>Heavy Charge<br>Immovable Object I<br>Kathunk<br>Stone Defense
| [[File:mpzerofellowmonsterup.jpg|50px]] || MPAttributes cost of|| spellsAttack, isdefense, reducedmagical tomight, 0magical mending, and dodge rate increase. || 1 || ???Pet Monster<br>Tune-Up
| [[File:blockupspeedup.jpg|50px]] || Movement Speed ↑ || Increases shieldyour blockmovement ratespeed. || 1 || Immense Defense???
| [[File:parryupintervaldown.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesFaster parryingTurns rate|| Shortens action interval by 0.5 seconds per stage. || 12 || GreatswordAccelerate, Acceleratle Guard
| [[File:scytheguardintervaldown2.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesFaster parryingTurns rate|| whenAction wieldinginterval ais sickleshortened. || 1 || ???Gone Ballistic
| [[File:criticalguardzerointerval.jpg|50px]] || ReducesZero damageInterval of critical attacks, desperate attacks, and haywire spells.|| || 1 || Critical Guard
| [[File:statuseffectblockzodiaccode.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesZodiac resistanceCode to harmful status effects by 50%.|| || 1 || Holy Impregnable
| [[File:hpguardcastspeedup.jpg|50px]] || RecoversFaster HPSpellcasting whenever you|| blockIncreases withyour aspellcasting shieldspeed. || 1 || PowerFaster ShieldCaster
| [[File:coverspecialcasttimedown.png|50px]] || YouFaster areSpellcasting currently|| takingCasting damagetime inof placespells ofreduced anotherto party1 membersecond. || 1 || CoverSpelly Breath
| [[File:hpovertimeskillspeedup.jpg|50px]] || GraduallyFaster recoversSkills HP|| overIncreases ayour durationskill execution speed. || 1 || Reheal, Remidheal, Remoreheal???
| [[File:mpovertimectdown.jpg|50px]] || GraduallyCharge recoversTime MPReduced over|| aShortens durationthe charge time of your CT skills. || 1 || ???Clock Charge, Brave Charge
| [[File:dodgeupcriticalup.jpg|50px]] || Critical/Haywire ↑ || Increases your dodgecritical hit rate. || 1 || Tap Dance???
| [[File:ctdowncriticalup2.jpg|50px]] || ShortensCritical/Haywire the charge|| time ofIncreases your CTcritical skillshit rate. || 1 || Clock Charge, Brave Charge???
| [[File:speedupcriticalup3.jpg|50px]] || Critical/Haywire ↑ || Increases your movementcritical hit speedrate. || 1 || ???
| [[File:statuseffectnullalwaysspellcrit.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesGuaranteed anyHaywire bad|| statusYour effectsspells will always go haywire. || 1 || Snap CrackleReverse PoofEnlightenment
| [[File:statuseffectnulloncealwayscrit.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesGuaranteed aCritical bad status effect one time.|| || 1 || Guardian Star
| [[File:jumpguardspellpowerup.jpg|50px]] || ProtectsSpell againstPower an attack|| thatIncreases requiresspell jumpingpower toby dodge1.5 onetimes timeat 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stages. || 12 || Hop Stick???
| [[File:castspeedupspellpowerup2.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesSpell yourPower spellcasting speed.|| || 1 || Faster Caster
| [[File:skillspeedupdamagelimitbreak.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDamage yourLimit skillBreak execution speed.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:reviveondeathspelldamagelimit.jpg|50px]] || ReviveSpell aLimit shortBreak while|| afterIncreases dyingdamage limit of spells. || 1 || Goddess'Channel Rage I, 0 GraceZone
| [[File:hplinkrecoveryup.jpg|50px]] || ShareSpell yourRecovery HP pool|| withIncreases anotherrecovery player'spower HPby pool1.5 ||times at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stages. || HP2 || Link???
| [[File:mplinkrecoveryup2.jpg|50px]] || ShareSpell yourRecovery MP pool|| with another player's MP pool. || 1 || MP Link???
| [[File:20damagedownalldamageup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesDamage damageDealt taken by|| 20%Increases all damage dealt. || 1 || PhalanxWild Cry
| [[File:tensionuptarotup.jpg|50px]] || InTarot aBoost tension state.|| Increases the damage or recoveryeffectiveness of your next action based on how high your tensiontarot iscards. || 41 || ???
| [[File:tensionburnhprecoverattack.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesHP yourRecovery tensionAttack || Recover HP whenever you takeattack an damageenemy. || 1 || ???
| [[File:tensionactionhprecoverattack2.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesHP yourRecovery tensionAttack whenever|| you use an action. || 1 || ???
| [[File:tensionlockmprecoverattack.jpg|50px]] || StopsMP yourRecovery tensionAttack from|| Recover MP whenever you attack an decreasingenemy. || 1 || ???
| [[File:breathnullpoisonattack.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesEnvenom theAttack next|| breathYour attackattacks receivedhave a chance to inflict poison. || 1 || Mist Me???
| [[File:hpondamagehpguard.jpg|50px]] || RecoversRecovery 20%HP ofOn damageBlock received|| asRecovers HP whenever you block with a shield. || 1 || Right as Rain, MiraclePower RainShield
| [[File:mpondamageatteributedamageup.jpg|50px]] || RecoversAttribute 10%Damage of damage|| received as MP. || 1 || ???
| [[File:almamaterfirefource.jpg|50px]] || SurviveFire atFource 1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP|| isYour atattacks leastgain 50%the orfire moreattribute. || 1 || AlmaFire MaterFource
| [[File:divineblessingfrostfource.jpg|50px]] || SurviveFrost atFource 1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP|| isYour atattacks leastgain 2the orice moreattribute. || 1 || DivineFrost BlessingFource
| [[File:firefourcegalefource.jpg|50px]] || Gale Fource || Your attacks gain the firewind and thunder attributeattributes. || 1 || FireGale Fource
| [[File:frostfourcefunerealfource.jpg|50px]] || Funereal Fource || Your attacks gain the icedark and earth attributeattributes. || 1 || FrostFunereal Fource
| [[File:galefourcelifefource.jpg|50px]] || Life Fource || Your attacks gain the wind and thunderlight attributesattribute. || 1 || GaleLife Fource
| [[File:funerealfourcecoverspecial.jpgpng|50px]] || YourWhipping attacksBoy gain|| You are currently taking damage in theplace darkof andanother earthparty attributesmember. || 1 || FunerealWhipping FourceBoy
| [[File:lifefourcedarkblessing.jpg|50px]] || YourDark attacksGift gain|| Reduces damage of a selected ally by 75% and you take the lightdamage attributeinstead. || 1 || Life Fource???
| [[File:hprecoverattackscapeguard.jpg|50px]] || RecoverScapeguard HP|| wheneverReduce youdamage attacktaken anby enemy100 and automatically protect nearby allies from attacks. || 1 || ???Scape Guard
| [[File:mprecoverattackdodgeup.jpg|50px]] || RecoverDodge MPRate whenever you|| attackIncreases anyour enemydodge rate. || 1 || ???Tap Dance
| [[File:poisonattackparryup.jpg|50px]] || YourFixed attacksParry haveRate a|| chanceIncreases toparrying inflictrate poisonwhen wielding a greatsword. || 1 || ???Greatsword Guard
| [[File:alldamageupparryupspear.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesParry allRate damage dealt. || 1|| || ???
| [[File:criticalupparryuprod.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesParry yourRate critical hit rate.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:attackpowerupscytheguard.jpg|50px]] || Fixed Parry Rate || Increases yourparrying attackrate bywhen 30wielding pera stagescythe. || 21 || ???
| [[File:itemrangeupblockup2.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesBlock theRate range of your consumable item effects to multiple targets.|| || 1 || Item Range Tech
| [[File:itemdoubleblockup.jpg|50px]] || DoublesBlock theRate effectiveness of|| yourIncreases consumableshield itemsblock rate. || 1 || Item DoubleImmense TechDefense
| [[File:expuproughntumble.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesRough experience'n' andTumble gold gained from an enemy.|| || 1 || Best Smile
| [[File:expup2shockingtwist.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesShocking experience,Twist gold and special training stamps gained from an enemy.|| || 1 || Million Smile
| [[File:charmresistdownspellbounce.jpg|50px]] || ReducesWall anof enemy'sLight resistance|| toReflects beingspells charmedback at the caster. || 1 || ???Bound, Bounce
| [[File:nogoldusagesnub.jpg|50px]] || SkillsSnub with gold|| costsNullifies haveall theirattack costspells reducedused toagainst 0you. || 1 || ???Snub
| [[File:specialeffectabsorbmagic.jpg|50px]] || DisplayedAbsorb whenMagic || When hit by a vocationspell, specificrestore specialMP effectequal isto currentlythat activespell's MP cost. || 1 || VariesAbsorb Magic
| [[File:spellbouncempondamage.jpg|50px]] || ReflectsMagic spellsCloak back|| atRecovers the10% casterof damage received as MP. || 1 || Bound, Bounce???
| [[File:breathbouncebreathnull.jpg|50px]] || ReflectsMist breathMe attacks|| back atNullifies the casternext breath attack received. || 1 || ???Mist Me
| [[File:absorbmagicbreathbounce.jpg|50px]] || WhenBackdraft hit|| byReflects abreath spell,attacks restoreback MPat equalthe to that spell's MP costcaster. || 1 || Absorb Magic???
| [[File:snubhpondamage.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesRight allas attackRain spells|| usedRecovers against20% youof damage received as HP. || 1 || SnubRight as Rain, Miracle Rain
| [[File:damagetakenupcriticalguard.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesCritical Guard || Reduces damage thetaken targetfrom takescritical byattacks, 1.5desperate timesattacks, and haywire spells. || 1 || Somersault Claw, Revol Slicer, CerberusCritical RondoGuard
| [[File:maxhpupdesperatemeasures.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDesperate yourMeasures maximum HP by 200.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:alwaysspellcritphysicalnull.jpg|50px]] || YourPhysical spellsNull will|| alwaysNullifies goall haywirephysical damage taken. || 1 || Reverse Enlightenment???
| [[File:casttimedownspellnull.pngjpg|50px]] || CastingSpell timeNull of|| spellsNullifies reducedall tospell 1damage secondtaken. || 1 || Spelly Breath???
| [[File:scapeguardallnull.jpg|50px]] || ReduceDamage damageNull taken|| byNullifies 100all anddamage automatically protect nearby allies from attackstaken. || 1 || Scape Guard???
| [[File:invinciblepaladinspalisade.jpg|50px]] || BecomePaladin's immunePalisade to all damage for a short while after being revived.|| || 1 || On revival
| [[File:monstertensionlinkknightwatch.jpg|50px]] || GainKnight tensionWatch whenever the monster you linked with gains tension.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:tensionlinkundyingwill.jpg|50px]] || GainUndying tensionWill whenever the ally you linked with gains tension.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:tarotupinvincible.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesInvulnerability the|| effectivenessBecome ofimmune yourto tarotall cardsdamage for a short while after being revived. || 1 || ???On revival
| [[File:knockresistup20damagedown.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDamage yourMitigation resistance|| Reduces todamage beingtaken knockedby down20%. || 1 || ???Phalanx
| [[File:deftoatkdamagereduction.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDamage attackReduction based on defense.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:fellowmonsterupbodyguard1.jpg|50px]] || TemporarilyBodyguard strengthen your fellow monster.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:playupbodyguard2.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesBodyguard the effectiveness of your "Play" actions.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:whimsicalupbodyguard3.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesBodyguard the effectiveness of your "Whimsical" actions.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:repelspellresistup.jpg|50px]] || ReflectsSpell aRes. percentage of|| damageIncreases takenspell resistance by 20% per stage. || 12 || ???Mage Ward, Magic Barrier
| [[File:deadsummonbreathresistup.jpg|50px]] || OneBreath ofRes. your spirits|| isIncreases currentlybreath summonedresistance by 20% per stage. || 12 || ???Insulate, Insulatle, Clear Mind
| [[File:deadattackattributeresup.jpg|50px]] || OneAttribute ofRes. your spirits is ordered to attack a target.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:deaddefendstatuseffectblock.jpg|50px]] || OneAilment ofRes. your spirits|| isIncreases defendingresistance alliesto harmful status effects by 50%. || 1 || ???Holy Impregnable
| [[File:darkblessingstatuseffectnull.jpg|50px]] || ReducesAilment damageNull of|| aNullifies selectedany allybad bystatus 75% and you take the damage insteadeffects. || 1 || ???Snap Crackle Poof
| [[File:wavereleasestatuseffectnullonce.jpg|50px]] || DoublesAilment theNull gauge|| increaseNullifies ofa yourbad Wavestatus Gaugeeffect one time. || 1 || ???Ailment Curtailment
| [[File:adfdamageupknockresistup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesKnockback allRes. damage dealt.|| (OnlyIncreases appliesyour inresistance Astoltiato Defensebeing Force)knocked down. || 1 || OomphImmovable BookObject
| [[File:adfdamagereducejumpguard.jpg|50px]] || ReducesJump allAttack damageNull taken.|| (OnlyProtects appliesagainst inan Astoltiaattack Defensethat Force)requires jumping to dodge one time. || 1 || BuffHop BookStick
| [[File:gilammagicalmamater.jpg|50px]] || YouAlma currentlyMater have|| Survive at 1 HP when you receive a Gilamfatal Magicblow effectwhen applied.your (OnlyHP appliesis inat Banmaleast Tower)50% or more. || 1 || GilamAlma MagicMater
==Negative Status Effects==
{| class="wikitable"
! Icon !! Description !! Maximum Stages !! Source
| [[File:attackdowndivineblessing.jpg|50px]] || ReducesDivine attackIntervention by|| 20%Survive perat stage1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP is at least 2 or more. || 21 || ???Divine Blessing
| [[File:defensedownreviveondeath.jpg|50px]] || ReducesGoddess' defenseGrace by|| 20%Revive pera stageshort while after dying. || 21 || ???Goddess' Grace
| [[File:intervaluphpovertime.jpg|50px]] || LengthensHP actionRegeneration interval|| byGradually 1recovers secondHP atover 1a stage,duration. and|| 1.5 seconds at 2 stages. || 2Reheal, ||Remidheal, ???Remoreheal
| [[File:spellpowerdownmpovertime.jpg|50px]] || ReducesMP spellRegeneration power|| byGradually 50%recovers atMP 1over stage,a and 75% at 2 stagesduration. || 21 || ???
| [[File:hplink.jpg|50px]] || HP Link || Share your HP pool with another player's HP pool. || 1 || HP Link
| [[File:spellresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Reduces spell resistance by 40% at 1 stage, and 60% at 2 stages. If a monster uses it against you, it will be 20% at 1 stage and 40% at 2 stages instead. || 2 || ???
| [[File:speeddownmplink.jpg|50px]] || ReducesMP movementLink speed|| Share your MP pool with another player's MP pool. || 1 || ???MP Link
| [[File:weightdownmpzero.jpg|50px]] || ReducesZero weightMP byCost 50%|| MP cost of spells is reduced to 0. || 1 || ???
| [[File:maxhpdowntensionlock.jpg|50px]] || ReducesConsume maximumNo HPTension || Stops your tension from decreasing. || 1 || ???
| [[File:sleepnogoldusage.jpg|50px]] || FallZero asleepGold andCost become|| unableSkills towith Damagecosts takenhave maytheir breakcost thereduced effectto early0. || 1 || ???
| [[File:confusionfreetarots.jpg|50px]] || BecomeFree confusedTarots and attack enemies and allies randomly. Damage taken may break the effect early.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:paralysisspecialeffect.jpg|50px]] || BecomeSpirit paralyzedWinds and|| Displayed when a vocation becomespecific unablespecial toeffect moveis orcurrently actactive. || 1 || ???Varies
| [[File:dazzledtensionup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesTension Boost || In a tension state. Increases the accuracydamage or recovery of physicalyour next action based on how high your tension attacksis. || 14 || ???
| [[File:poisonedtensionburn.jpg|50px]] || AFeel fixedthe amountBurn of|| damageIncreases isyour inflictedtension atwhenever ayou settake intervaldamage. || 1 || ???
| [[File:charmedtensionlink.jpg|50px]] || BecomeTension charmedLink and|| Gain tension whenever the ally attackyou allieslinked insteadwith ofgains enemiestension. || 1 || ???
| [[File:incapacitatedmonstertensionlink.jpg|50px]] || BecomeTension incapacitated.Link || Gain tension whenever the monster you Cannotlinked movewith orgains acttension. || 1 || ???
| [[File:cursedtensionaction.jpg|50px]] || BecomeTension cursed.On CannotAction escape from|| battleIncreases andyour theretension iswhenever ayou 50%use chance youran action will not be executed. Also may decrease your maximum HP, or deal continuous HP/MP damage. || 1 || ???
| [[File:shockeditemdouble.jpg|50px]] || DealsDouble aDose percentage|| ofDoubles HPthe damageeffectiveness toof youyour andconsumable any nearby allies every 2 secondsitems. || 1 || ???Double Dip
| [[File:horrifieditemrangeup.jpg|50px]] || BecomeItem horrified.Range MovementTech speed|| isIncreases slowedthe range of your consumable item effects to multiple targets. || 1 || ???Item Range Tech
| [[File:spellsealarcanadivination.jpg|50px]] || SpellsArcana cannotDivination be used.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:skillsealtarotsunavailable.jpg|50px]] || SkillsTarots cannotUnavailable be used.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:breathsealplayup.jpg|50px]] || BreathSeriously attacksLucky cannotDip be|| Increases the effectiveness of your "Play" usedactions. || 1 || ???
| [[File:statuseffectdownwhimsicalup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSeriously resistanceWhimsical to|| Increases the effectiveness of harmfulyour status"Whimsical" effectsactions. || 1 || ???
| [[File:allresistdownrepel.jpg|50px]] || ReducesFollow resistanceSuit to|| allReflects elementala attributespercentage of damage taken. || 1 || Fource Break???
| [[File:fireresistdownthatspecialsummon.jpg|50px]] || ReducesThat resistanceSpecial toSummon fire-based attacks.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:iceresistdownspiritrelease.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSpirit resistanceRelease to ice-based attacks.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:windresistdowndeadsummon.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSummon resistanceDead to|| wind-basedOne attacksof your spirits is currently summoned. || 1 || King Fissure???
| [[File:lightningresistdowndeadattack.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSpirit resistanceGuidance || One of your spirits is ordered to thunder-basedattack a attackstarget. || 1 || ???
| [[File:earthresistdown2deaddefend.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSpirit resistanceDefense to|| One of your spirits is earth-baseddefending attacksallies. || 1 || Magma???
| [[File:darkresistdownwaverelease.jpg|50px]] || ReducesWave resistanceGauge toBoost dark-based|| Doubles the gauge increase of your Wave attacksGauge. || 1 || ???
| [[File:lightresistdowngoneballistic.jpg|50px]] || ReducesGone resistanceBallistic to light-based attacks.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:damagedealtdownpeppedup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesPepped damageUp dealt by 30%.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:deathfoodeffect.jpg|50px]] || YouFood areEffect dead. Cannot act until revived. If all party members die, the battle ends.|| || 1 || -
| [[File:defense0perfumeeffect.jpg|50px]] || DefensePerfume isEffect reduced to 0.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:attractioneffect.jpg|50px]] || Attraction Effect || || ||
| [[File:safepassageeffect.jpg|50px]] || Safe Passage Effect || || ||
| [[File:charmeffect.jpg|50px]] || Charm Effect || || ||
| [[File:cardeffect.jpg|50px]] || Card Effect || || ||
| [[File:expenhancement.jpg|50px]] || EXP Enhancement || || ||
| [[File:anger.jpg|50px]] || Anger || || ||
| [[File:enrage.jpg|50px]] || Enrage || || ||
| [[File:maxhpdown.jpg|50px]] || Max HP ↓ || Reduces maximum HP. || 1 || ???
| [[File:attackdown.jpg|50px]] || Attack ↓ || Reduces attack by 20% per stage. || 2 || ???
| [[File:defensedown.jpg|50px]] || Defense ↓ || Reduces defense by 20% per stage. || 2 || ???
| [[File:defense0.jpg|50px]] || Zero Defense || Defense is reduced to 0. || 1 || ???
| [[File:weightdown.jpg|50px]] || Weight ↓ || Reduces weight by 50%. || 1 || ???
| [[File:speeddown.jpg|50px]] || Movement Speed ↓ || Reduces movement speed. || 1 || ???
| [[File:intervalup.jpg|50px]] || Slower Turns || Lengthens action interval by 1 second at 1 stage, and 1.5 seconds at 2 stages. || 2 || ???
| [[File:damagedealtdown.jpg|50px]] || Damage Dealt ↓ || Reduces damage dealt by 30%. || 1 || ???
| [[File:spellpowerdown.jpg|50px]] || Spell Power ↓ || Reduces spell power by 50% at 1 stage, and 75% at 2 stages. || 2 || ???
| [[File:spellresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Spell Res. ↓ || Reduces spell resistance by 40% at 1 stage, and 60% at 2 stages. If a monster uses it against you, it will be 20% at 1 stage and 40% at 2 stages instead. || 2 || ???
| [[File:breathresdown.jpg|50px]] || Breath Res. ↓ || || ||
| [[File:fireresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Fire Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to fire-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:iceresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Ice Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to ice-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:windresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Wind Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to wind-based attacks. || 1 || King Fissure
| [[File:lightningresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Thunder Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to thunder-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:earthresistdown2.jpg|50px]] || Earth Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to earth-based attacks. || 1 || Magma
| [[File:darkresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Dark Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to dark-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:lightresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Light Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to light-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:allresistdown.jpg|50px]] || All Resistances ↓ || Reduces resistance to all elemental attributes. || 1 || Fource Break
| [[File:damagetakenup.jpg|50px]] || Damage Taken ↑ || Increases damage the target takes by 1.5 times. || 1 || Somersault Claw, Revol Slicer, Cerberus Rondo
| [[File:charmresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Enthrall Res. ↓ || Reduces an enemy's resistance to being charmed. || 1 || ???
| [[File:statuseffectdown.jpg|50px]] || Ailment Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to harmful status effects. || 1 || ???
| [[File:poisoned.jpg|50px]] || Poison/Envenomation || A fixed amount of damage is inflicted at a set interval. || 1 || ???
| [[File:shocked.jpg|50px]] || Electrification || Deals a percentage of HP damage to you and any nearby allies every 2 seconds. || 1 || ???
| [[File:confusion.jpg|50px]] || Confusion || Become confused and attack enemies and allies randomly. Damage taken may break the effect early. || 1 || ???
| [[File:cursed.jpg|50px]] || Curse || Become cursed. Cannot escape from battle and there is a 50% chance your action will not be executed. Also may decrease your maximum HP, or deal continuous HP/MP damage. || 1 || ???
| [[File:paralysis.jpg|50px]] || Paralysis || Become paralyzed and become unable to move or act. || 1 || ???
| [[File:sleep.jpg|50px]] || Sleep || Fall asleep and become unable to act. Damage taken may break the effect early. || 1 || ???
| [[File:charmed.jpg|50px]] || Charm || Become charmed and attack allies instead of enemies. || 1 || ???
| [[File:dazzled.jpg|50px]] || Bedazzlement || Reduces the accuracy of physical attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:spellseal.jpg|50px]] || Spell Seal || Spells cannot be used. || 1 || ???
| [[File:skillseal.jpg|50px]] || Skill Seal || Skills cannot be used. || 1 || ???
| [[File:breathseal.jpg|50px]] || Breath Seal || Breath attacks cannot be used. || 1 || ???
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Laugh || Become incapacitated. Cannot move or act. || 1 || ???
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Knockdown || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Bind || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Frighten || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Freeze || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Dance || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Stun || || 1 ||
| [[File:horrified.jpg|50px]] || Fear || Become horrified. Movement speed is slowed. || 1 || ???
| [[File:death.jpg|50px]] || Death || You are dead. Cannot act until revived. If all party members die, the battle ends. || 1 || -
| [[File:expup.jpg|50px]] || EXP & Gold ↑ || Increases experience and gold gained from an enemy. || 1 || Best Smile
| [[File:expup2.jpg|50px]] || Training Stamps ↑ || Increases experience, gold and special training stamps gained from an enemy. || 1 || Million Smile
==Miscellaneous Effects==
These effects are not documented in the in-game Battle Icons List, but are seen throughout different types of content.
{| class="wikitable"
! Icon !! Effect !! Description !! Maximum Stages !! Source
| [[File:norevive.jpg|50px]] || No Revive || Cannot be revived by any means. || 1 || ???Varies
| [[File:stone.jpg|50px]] || Petrified || Turned to stone. Cannot move or act. || 1 || ???Varies
| [[File:physicalnullnodamage.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesNo allDamage physical|| Reduces damage takendealt, or causes you to be unable to deal any damage at all. (Depends on source) || 1 || ???Varies.
| [[File:spellnullblackflame.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesBlackflame all|| spellDeals damage takento you over time. || 1 || ???Varies
| [[File:allnulladfdamageup.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesDamage Dealt ↑ || Increases all damage takendealt. (Only applies in Astoltia Defense Force) || 1 || ???Oomph Book
| [[File:nodamageadfdamagereduce.jpg|50px]] || ReducesDamage damageMitigation dealt,|| orReduces causesall youdamage totaken. be(Only unableapplies toin dealAstoltia anyDefense damage at all. (Depends on sourceForce) || 1 || ???Buff Book
| [[File:blackflamegilammagic.jpg|50px]] || DealsGilam damageMagic to|| youYou overcurrently timehave a Gilam Magic effect applied. (Only applies in Banma Tower) || 1 || ???Gilam Magic