Battle Icons: Difference between revisions

From Ethene
Content added Content deleted
(Merges all of the core battle icons listed in game into one table (some negative effects were mixed into the positive effects table); Adds missing entries for the battle icons that are listed in game, but weren't previously here; Rewrote some descriptions to match what is shown in game. This update is incomplete as it was significant effort, but has enough here for someone to finish filling in the missing rows.)
(19 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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Battle icons are either positive or negative status effects seen either next to a party member in the party member frame (bottom-right), or next to an enemy's nameplate. Below is a list of all effects as seen in the in-game menu ('''Misc.''' > '''Play Guide''' > '''Battle Icons List'''.)
Here will be a list of icons used during battle. They are separated into positive status effects and negative status effects.
==Positive Status Effects==
==Battle Icons List==
{| class="wikitable"
! Icon !! Effect !! Description !! Maximum Stages !! Source
! Icon !! Description !! Maximum Stages !! Source
| [[File:attackupmaxhpup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesMax attackHP by 20%|| perMaximum stageHP increases. || 21 || Oomph,Cantlin's Secret<br>Vital Recital<br>Life Staff I<br>Holy Grain<br>Lively OomphleLight
| [[File:defenseupattackup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesAttack defense↑ || Attack increases by 20%up perto stage2 stages. || 2 || Buff,Oomph<br>Oomphle<br>etc. (too Kabuffmany sources)
| [[File:intervaldownattackpowerup.jpg|50px]] || ShortensAttack actionPlus interval|| Attack increases by ??%up perto stage2 stages. || 2 || Accelerate,Feel the Burn<br>Demon's Duet<br>Fang of God I<br>Fang of God+ AcceleratleI<br>Stash Power
| [[File:spellpowerupdeftoatk.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesIron spellAdvance power|| byAttack 1.5is timesincreased atby 1a stage,percentage andof 2your times at 2 stagesdefense. || 21 || ???Iron Advance I
| [[File:recoveryupmagicalmightplus.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesMagical recoveryMight powerPlus by|| 1.5Magical timesmight at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stagesincreases. || 2 || ???Channel Tantrum
| [[File:breathresistupdefenseup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDefense breath resistance|| Defense increases by 20%up perto stage2 stages. || 2 || InsulateBuff, InsulatleKabuff, Clearetc. (too many Mindsources)
| [[File:spellresistupdefenseplus.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDefense spellPlus resistance|| byDefense 20% per stageincreases. || 2 || Magic Ward, Magic barrierN/A
| [[File:weightupdeftnessplus.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDeftness weightPlus by|| 1.5Deftness (Thunk) or 2 times (Heavy Charge)increases. || 12 || Thunk, Heavy Charge, ???N/A
| [[File:spelldamagelimitweightup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesWeight damage limit|| ofWeight spellsincreases. || 1 || ???Thunk<br>Heavy Charge<br>Immovable Object I<br>Kathunk<br>Stone Defense
| [[File:blockupfellowmonsterup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesAttributes shield block|| Attack, defense, magical might, magical mending, and dodge rate increase. || 1 || ???Pet Monster<br>Tune-Up
| [[File:parryupspeedup.jpg|50px]] || Movement Speed ↑ || Increases parryingyour movement ratespeed. || 1 || ???
| [[File:scytheguardintervaldown.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesFaster parryingTurns rate|| whenShortens wieldingaction ainterval scytheby 0.5 seconds per stage. || 12 || ???Accelerate, Acceleratle
| [[File:criticalguardintervaldown2.jpg|50px]] || ReducesFaster damageTurns of|| criticalAction attacks,interval desperateis attacks, and haywire spellsshortened. || 1 || ???Gone Ballistic
| [[File:statuseffectblockzerointerval.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesZero resistanceInterval to harmful status effects by 50%.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:hpguardzodiaccode.jpg|50px]] || RecoversZodiac HPCode whenever you block with a shield.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:hpovertimecastspeedup.jpg|50px]] || GraduallyFaster recoversSpellcasting HP|| Increases overyour aspellcasting durationspeed. || 1 || Reheal,Faster MidrehealCaster
| [[File:mpovertimecasttimedown.jpgpng|50px]] || GraduallyFaster recoversSpellcasting MP|| overCasting atime durationof spells reduced to 1 second. || 1 || ???Spelly Breath
| [[File:dodgeupskillspeedup.jpg|50px]] || Faster Skills || Increases your dodgeskill rateexecution speed. || 1 || Tap Dance???
| [[File:ctdown.jpg|50px]] || Charge Time Reduced || Shortens the charge time of your CT skills. || 1 || ???Clock Charge, Brave Charge
| [[File:speedupcriticalup.jpg|50px]] || Critical/Haywire ↑ || Increases your movementcritical hit speedrate. || 1 || ???
| [[File:statuseffectnullcriticalup2.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesCritical/Haywire any bad|| Increases your critical statushit effectsrate. || 1 || ???
| [[File:statuseffectnulloncecriticalup3.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesCritical/Haywire a bad|| Increases statusyour effectcritical onehit timerate. || 1 || ???
| [[File:jumpguardalwaysspellcrit.jpg|50px]] || ProtectsGuaranteed againstHaywire an|| attackYour thatspells requireswill jumpingalways togo dodge one timehaywire. || 1 || ???Reverse Enlightenment
| [[File:castspeedupalwayscrit.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesGuaranteed yourCritical spellcasting speed.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:skillspeedupspellpowerup.jpg|50px]] || Spell Power ↑ || Increases yourspell skillpower executionby speed1.5 times at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stages. || 12 || ???
| [[File:reviveondeathspellpowerup2.jpg|50px]] || ReviveSpell aPower short while after dying.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:hplinkdamagelimitbreak.jpg|50px]] || ShareDamage yourLimit HPBreak pool with another player's HP pool.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:mplinkspelldamagelimit.jpg|50px]] || ShareSpell yourLimit MPBreak pool|| withIncreases anotherdamage player'slimit HPof poolspells. || 1 || ???Channel Rage I, 0 Zone
| [[File:20damagedownrecoveryup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSpell damageRecovery taken↑ || Increases recovery power by 20%1.5 times at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stages. || 12 || ???
| [[File:tensionuprecoveryup2.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesSpell theRecovery damage or|| recovery of your next action. || 41 || ???
| [[File:tensionburnalldamageup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDamage yourDealt tension whenever|| youIncreases takeall damage dealt. || 1 || ???Wild Cry
| [[File:tensionactiontarotup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesTarot yourBoost tension|| wheneverIncreases youthe useeffectiveness of your antarot actioncards. || 1 || ???
| [[File:tensionlockhprecoverattack.jpg|50px]] || StopsHP yourRecovery tensionAttack from|| Recover HP whenever you attack an decreasingenemy. || 1 || ???
| [[File:breathnullhprecoverattack2.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesHP theRecovery nextAttack breath|| attack received. || 1 || ???
| [[File:hpondamagemprecoverattack.jpg|50px]] || RecoversMP 20%Recovery ofAttack damage|| Recover MP whenever you receivedattack asan HPenemy. || 1 || ???
| [[File:mpondamagepoisonattack.jpg|50px]] || RecoversEnvenom 10%Attack of|| Your attacks have a damagechance receivedto asinflict MPpoison. || 1 || ???
| [[File:almamaterhpguard.jpg|50px]] || Survive at 1Recovery HP whenOn youBlock receive|| a fatal blow when yourRecovers HP iswhenever atyou leastblock 50%with ora moreshield. || 1 || ???Power Shield
| [[File:divineblessingatteributedamageup.jpg|50px]] || SurviveAttribute atDamage 1 HP|| when you receive a fatal blow when your HP is at least 2 or more. || 1 || ???
| [[File:firefource.jpg|50px]] || Fire Fource || Your attacks gain the fire attribute. || 1 || Fire Fource
| [[File:frostfource.jpg|50px]] || Frost Fource || Your attacks gain the ice attribute. || 1 || Frost Fource
| [[File:galefource.jpg|50px]] || Gale Fource || Your attacks gain the wind and thunder attributes. || 1 || ???Gale Fource
| [[File:funerealfource.jpg|50px]] || Funereal Fource || Your attacks gain the dark and earth attributes. || 1 || FuneralFunereal Fource
| [[File:lifefource.jpg|50px]] || Life Fource || Your attacks gain the light attribute. || 1 || ???Life Fource
| [[File:hprecoverattackcoverspecial.jpgpng|50px]] || RecoverWhipping HPBoy whenever|| youYou attackare ancurrently enemytaking damage in place of another party member. || 1 || ???Whipping Boy
| [[File:mprecoverattackdarkblessing.jpg|50px]] || RecoverDark MPGift whenever|| Reduces damage of a selected ally by 75% and you attacktake the andamage enemyinstead. || 1 || ???
| [[File:poisonattackscapeguard.jpg|50px]] || YourScapeguard attacks|| haveReduce adamage chancetaken toby inflict100 poisonand automatically protect nearby allies from attacks. || 1 || ???Scape Guard
| [[File:criticalupdodgeup.jpg|50px]] || Dodge Rate ↑ || Increases your critical hitdodge rate. || 1 || ???Tap Dance
| [[File:attackpowerupparryup.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesFixed yourParry attackRate by|| 30Increases atparrying 1rate stage,when andwielding 60a at 2 stagesgreatsword. || 21 || ???Greatsword Guard
| [[File:itemrangeupparryupspear.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesParry theRate range of your consumable item effects to multiple targets.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:itemdoubleparryuprod.jpg|50px]] || DoublesParry theRate effectiveness of your consumable items.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:expupscytheguard.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesFixed experienceParry Rate || Increases andparrying goldrate gainedwhen fromwielding ana enemyscythe. || 1 || ???
| [[File:expup2blockup2.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesBlock experience,Rate gold and special training stamps gained from an enemy.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:charmresistdownblockup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesBlock anRate enemy's resistance|| toIncreases beingshield charmedblock rate. || 1 || ???Immense Defense
| [[File:nogoldusageroughntumble.jpg|50px]] || SkillsRough with'n' goldTumble costs have their cost reduced to 0.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:specialeffectshockingtwist.jpg|50px]] || DisplayedShocking whenTwist a vocation specific special effect is currently active.|| || 1 || Varies
| [[File:spellbounce.jpg|50px]] || Wall of Light || Reflects spells back at the caster. || 1 || Bound, Bounce
| [[File:breathbouncesnub.jpg|50px]] || ReflectsSnub breath|| Nullifies all attacksattack backspells atused theagainst casteryou. || 1 || ???Snub
| [[File:absorbmagic.jpg|50px]] || Absorb Magic || When hit by a spell, restore MP equal to that spell's MP cost. || 1 || Absorb Magic
| [[File:snubmpondamage.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesMagic allCloak attack|| Recovers 10% of spellsdamage usedreceived againstas youMP. || 1 || Snub???
| [[File:damagetakenupbreathnull.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesMist damageMe || Nullifies the targetnext takesbreath byattack 1.5 timesreceived. || 1 || ???Mist Me
| [[File:maxhpupbreathbounce.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesBackdraft your|| Reflects breath attacks maximumback HPat bythe 200caster. || 1 || ???
| [[File:alwaysspellcrithpondamage.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesRight youras spellcastingRain speed|| andRecovers your20% spellsof willdamage alwaysreceived goas haywireHP. || 1 || ???Right as Rain, Miracle Rain
| [[File:scapeguardcriticalguard.jpg|50px]] || ReduceCritical Guard || Reduces damage taken byfrom 100critical andattacks, automaticallydesperate protectattacks, nearbyand allieshaywire from attacksspells. || 1 || ???Critical Guard
| [[File:invincibledesperatemeasures.jpg|50px]] || BecomeDesperate immuneMeasures to all damage for a short while after being revived.|| || 1 || On revival
| [[File:monstertensionlinkphysicalnull.jpg|50px]] || GainPhysical tensionNull whenever the monster|| youNullifies linkedall withphysical gainsdamage tensiontaken. || 1 || ???
| [[File:tensionlinkspellnull.jpg|50px]] || GainSpell tensionNull whenever the ally|| youNullifies linkedall withspell gainsdamage tensiontaken. || 1 || ???
| [[File:tarotupallnull.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDamage theNull effectiveness|| ofNullifies yourall tarotdamage cardstaken. || 1 || ???
| [[File:knockresistuppaladinspalisade.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesPaladin's yourPalisade resistance to being knocked down.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:deftoatkknightwatch.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesKnight attackWatch based on defense.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:fellowmonsterupundyingwill.jpg|50px]] || TemporarilyUndying strengthenWill your fellow monster.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:playupinvincible.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesInvulnerability the|| effectivenessBecome ofimmune yourto "Play"all actionsdamage for a short while after being revived. || 1 || ???On revival
| [[File:whimsicalup20damagedown.jpg|50px]] || IncreasesDamage theMitigation effectiveness|| Reduces ofdamage yourtaken "Whimsical"by actions20%. || 1 || ???Phalanx
| [[File:repeldamagereduction.jpg|50px]] || ReflectsDamage aReduction percentage of damage taken.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:deadsummonbodyguard1.jpg|50px]] || OneBodyguard of your spirits is currently summoned.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:deadattackbodyguard2.jpg|50px]] || OneBodyguard of your spirits is ordered to attack a target.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:deaddefendbodyguard3.jpg|50px]] || OneBodyguard of your spirits is defending allies.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:darkblessingspellresistup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSpell damageRes. of a|| selectedIncreases allyspell resistance by 7520% andper you take the damage insteadstage. || 12 || ???Mage Ward, Magic Barrier
| [[File:wavereleasebreathresistup.jpg|50px]] || DoublesBreath theRes. gauge increase|| ofIncreases yourbreath Waveresistance Gaugeby 20% per stage. || 12 || ???Insulate, Insulatle, Clear Mind
==Negative Status Effects==
{| class="wikitable"
! Icon !! Description !! Maximum Stages !! Source
| [[File:attackdownattributeresup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesAttribute attackRes. by 20% per stage.|| || 2 || ???
| [[File:defensedownstatuseffectblock.jpg|50px]] || ReducesAilment defenseRes. by 20%|| perIncreases stageresistance to harmful status effects by 50%. || 21 || ???Holy Impregnable
| [[File:intervalupstatuseffectnull.jpg|50px]] || LengthensAilment actionNull interval|| byNullifies ??%any perbad stagestatus effects. || 21 || ???Snap Crackle Poof
| [[File:spellpowerdownstatuseffectnullonce.jpg|50px]] || ReducesAilment spellNull power|| byNullifies 50%a atbad 1status stage,effect andone 75% at 2 stagestime. || 21 || ???Ailment Curtailment
| [[File:knockresistup.jpg|50px]] || Knockback Res. ↑ || Increases your resistance to being knocked down. || 1 || Immovable Object
| [[File:spellresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Reduces spell resistance by 40% at 1 stage, and 60% at 2 stages. If a monster uses it against you, it will be 20% at 1 stage and 40% at 2 stages instead. || 2 || ???
| [[File:speeddownjumpguard.jpg|50px]] || ReducesJump movementAttack speedNull || Protects against an attack that requires jumping to dodge one time. || 1 || ???Hop Stick
| [[File:weightdownalmamater.jpg|50px]] || ReducesAlma weightMater by|| Survive at 1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP is at least 50% or more. || 1 || ???Alma Mater
| [[File:maxhpdowndivineblessing.jpg|50px]] || ReducesDivine maximumIntervention || Survive at 1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP is at least 2 or more. || 1 || ???Divine Blessing
| [[File:sleepreviveondeath.jpg|50px]] || FallGoddess' asleepGrace and|| becomeRevive unablea toshort act.while Damageafter taken may break the effect earlydying. || 1 || ???Goddess' Grace
| [[File:confusionhpovertime.jpg|50px]] || BecomeHP confusedRegeneration and|| attackGradually enemiesrecovers andHP alliesover randomly.a Damage taken may break the effect earlyduration. || 1 || ???Reheal, Remidheal, Remoreheal
| [[File:paralysismpovertime.jpg|50px]] || BecomeMP paralyzedRegeneration and|| becomeGradually unablerecovers toMP moveover ora actduration. || 1 || ???
| [[File:dazzledhplink.jpg|50px]] || ReducesHP theLink accuracy|| ofShare physicalyour attacksHP pool with another player's HP pool. || 1 || ???HP Link
| [[File:poisonedmplink.jpg|50px]] || AMP fixedLink amount|| ofShare damageyour isMP inflictedpool atwith aanother setplayer's intervalMP pool. || 1 || ???MP Link
| [[File:charmedmpzero.jpg|50px]] || BecomeZero charmedMP andCost attack|| alliesMP insteadcost of enemiesspells is reduced to 0. || 1 || ???
| [[File:incapacitatedtensionlock.jpg|50px]] || BecomeConsume incapacitated.No Tension || Stops Cannotyour movetension orfrom actdecreasing. || 1 || ???
| [[File:cursednogoldusage.jpg|50px]] || BecomeZero cursed.Gold CannotCost escape from battle and there is a 50% chance your action will not be executed. Also|| maySkills decreasewith yourgold maximumcosts HP,have ortheir dealcost continuousreduced HP/MPto damage0. || 1 || ???
| [[File:shockedfreetarots.jpg|50px]] || DealsFree aTarots percentage of HP damage to you and any nearby allies every 2 seconds.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:spellsealspecialeffect.jpg|50px]] || SpellsSpirit cannotWinds be|| Displayed when a vocation specific special effect is currently usedactive. || 1 || ???Varies
| [[File:skillsealtensionup.jpg|50px]] || SkillsTension cannotBoost be|| In a tension state. Increases the damage or recovery of your next action based on how high your tension usedis. || 14 || ???
| [[File:breathsealtensionburn.jpg|50px]] || BreathFeel attacksthe cannotBurn be|| Increases your tension whenever you take useddamage. || 1 || ???
| [[File:statuseffectdowntensionlink.jpg|50px]] || ReducesTension resistanceLink to|| Gain tension whenever the ally you linked harmfulwith statusgains effectstension. || 1 || ???
| [[File:allresistdownmonstertensionlink.jpg|50px]] || ReducesTension resistanceLink to|| allGain elementaltension attributeswhenever the monster you linked with gains tension. || 1 || Fource Break???
| [[File:fireresistdowntensionaction.jpg|50px]] || ReducesTension resistanceOn toAction fire-based attacks|| Increases your tension whenever you use an action. || 1 || ???
| [[File:iceresistdownitemdouble.jpg|50px]] || ReducesDouble resistanceDose to|| ice-basedDoubles attacksthe effectiveness of your consumable items. || 1 || ???Double Dip
| [[File:windresistdownitemrangeup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesItem resistanceRange Tech || Increases the range of your consumable item effects to wind-basedmultiple attackstargets. || 1 || ???Item Range Tech
| [[File:lightningresistdownarcanadivination.jpg|50px]] || ReducesArcana resistanceDivination to thunder-based attacks.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:earthresistdown2tarotsunavailable.jpg|50px]] || ReducesTarots resistanceUnavailable to earth-based attacks.|| || 1 || ???
| [[File:darkresistdownplayup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSeriously resistanceLucky toDip dark-based|| Increases the effectiveness of your "Play" attacksactions. || 1 || ???
| [[File:lightresistdownwhimsicalup.jpg|50px]] || ReducesSeriously resistanceWhimsical to|| Increases the effectiveness of your light-based"Whimsical" attacksactions. || 1 || ???
| [[File:damagedealtdownrepel.jpg|50px]] || ReducesFollow damageSuit dealt|| byReflects a percentage of damage 30%taken. || 1 || ???
| [[File:thatspecialsummon.jpg|50px]] || That Special Summon || || ||
| [[File:spiritrelease.jpg|50px]] || Spirit Release || || ||
| [[File:deadsummon.jpg|50px]] || Summon Dead || One of your spirits is currently summoned. || 1 || ???
| [[File:deadattack.jpg|50px]] || Spirit Guidance || One of your spirits is ordered to attack a target. || 1 || ???
| [[File:deaddefend.jpg|50px]] || Spirit Defense || One of your spirits is defending allies. || 1 || ???
| [[File:waverelease.jpg|50px]] || Wave Gauge Boost || Doubles the gauge increase of your Wave Gauge. || 1 || ???
| [[File:goneballistic.jpg|50px]] || Gone Ballistic || || ||
| [[File:peppedup.jpg|50px]] || Pepped Up || || ||
| [[File:foodeffect.jpg|50px]] || Food Effect || || ||
| [[File:perfumeeffect.jpg|50px]] || Perfume Effect || || ||
| [[File:attractioneffect.jpg|50px]] || Attraction Effect || || ||
| [[File:safepassageeffect.jpg|50px]] || Safe Passage Effect || || ||
| [[File:charmeffect.jpg|50px]] || Charm Effect || || ||
| [[File:cardeffect.jpg|50px]] || Card Effect || || ||
| [[File:expenhancement.jpg|50px]] || EXP Enhancement || || ||
| [[File:anger.jpg|50px]] || Anger || || ||
| [[File:enrage.jpg|50px]] || Enrage || || ||
| [[File:maxhpdown.jpg|50px]] || Max HP ↓ || Reduces maximum HP. || 1 || ???
| [[File:attackdown.jpg|50px]] || Attack ↓ || Reduces attack by 20% per stage. || 2 || ???
| [[File:defensedown.jpg|50px]] || Defense ↓ || Reduces defense by 20% per stage. || 2 || ???
| [[File:defense0.jpg|50px]] || Zero Defense || Defense is reduced to 0. || 1 || ???
| [[File:weightdown.jpg|50px]] || Weight ↓ || Reduces weight by 50%. || 1 || ???
| [[File:speeddown.jpg|50px]] || Movement Speed ↓ || Reduces movement speed. || 1 || ???
| [[File:intervalup.jpg|50px]] || Slower Turns || Lengthens action interval by 1 second at 1 stage, and 1.5 seconds at 2 stages. || 2 || ???
| [[File:damagedealtdown.jpg|50px]] || Damage Dealt ↓ || Reduces damage dealt by 30%. || 1 || ???
| [[File:spellpowerdown.jpg|50px]] || Spell Power ↓ || Reduces spell power by 50% at 1 stage, and 75% at 2 stages. || 2 || ???
| [[File:spellresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Spell Res. ↓ || Reduces spell resistance by 40% at 1 stage, and 60% at 2 stages. If a monster uses it against you, it will be 20% at 1 stage and 40% at 2 stages instead. || 2 || ???
| [[File:breathresdown.jpg|50px]] || Breath Res. ↓ || || ||
| [[File:fireresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Fire Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to fire-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:iceresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Ice Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to ice-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:windresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Wind Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to wind-based attacks. || 1 || King Fissure
| [[File:lightningresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Thunder Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to thunder-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:earthresistdown2.jpg|50px]] || Earth Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to earth-based attacks. || 1 || Magma
| [[File:darkresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Dark Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to dark-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:lightresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Light Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to light-based attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:allresistdown.jpg|50px]] || All Resistances ↓ || Reduces resistance to all elemental attributes. || 1 || Fource Break
| [[File:damagetakenup.jpg|50px]] || Damage Taken ↑ || Increases damage the target takes by 1.5 times. || 1 || Somersault Claw, Revol Slicer, Cerberus Rondo
| [[File:charmresistdown.jpg|50px]] || Enthrall Res. ↓ || Reduces an enemy's resistance to being charmed. || 1 || ???
| [[File:statuseffectdown.jpg|50px]] || Ailment Res. ↓ || Reduces resistance to harmful status effects. || 1 || ???
| [[File:poisoned.jpg|50px]] || Poison/Envenomation || A fixed amount of damage is inflicted at a set interval. || 1 || ???
| [[File:shocked.jpg|50px]] || Electrification || Deals a percentage of HP damage to you and any nearby allies every 2 seconds. || 1 || ???
| [[File:confusion.jpg|50px]] || Confusion || Become confused and attack enemies and allies randomly. Damage taken may break the effect early. || 1 || ???
| [[File:cursed.jpg|50px]] || Curse || Become cursed. Cannot escape from battle and there is a 50% chance your action will not be executed. Also may decrease your maximum HP, or deal continuous HP/MP damage. || 1 || ???
| [[File:paralysis.jpg|50px]] || Paralysis || Become paralyzed and become unable to move or act. || 1 || ???
| [[File:sleep.jpg|50px]] || Sleep || Fall asleep and become unable to act. Damage taken may break the effect early. || 1 || ???
| [[File:charmed.jpg|50px]] || Charm || Become charmed and attack allies instead of enemies. || 1 || ???
| [[File:dazzled.jpg|50px]] || Bedazzlement || Reduces the accuracy of physical attacks. || 1 || ???
| [[File:spellseal.jpg|50px]] || Spell Seal || Spells cannot be used. || 1 || ???
| [[File:skillseal.jpg|50px]] || Skill Seal || Skills cannot be used. || 1 || ???
| [[File:breathseal.jpg|50px]] || Breath Seal || Breath attacks cannot be used. || 1 || ???
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Laugh || Become incapacitated. Cannot move or act. || 1 || ???
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Knockdown || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Bind || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Frighten || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Freeze || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Dance || || 1 ||
| [[File:incapacitated.jpg|50px]] || Stun || || 1 ||
| [[File:horrified.jpg|50px]] || Fear || Become horrified. Movement speed is slowed. || 1 || ???
| [[File:death.jpg|50px]] || Death || You are dead. Cannot act until revived. If all party members die, the battle ends. || 1 || -
| [[File:expup.jpg|50px]] || EXP & Gold ↑ || Increases experience and gold gained from an enemy. || 1 || Best Smile
| [[File:expup2.jpg|50px]] || Training Stamps ↑ || Increases experience, gold and special training stamps gained from an enemy. || 1 || Million Smile
==Miscellaneous Effects==
These effects are not documented in the in-game Battle Icons List, but are seen throughout different types of content.
{| class="wikitable"
! Icon !! Effect !! Description !! Maximum Stages !! Source
| [[File:deathnorevive.jpg|50px]] || YouNo areRevive dead.|| Cannot act untilbe revived. If all party members die, theby battleany endsmeans. || 1 || -Varies
| [[File:defense0stone.jpg|50px]] || DefensePetrified is|| reducedTurned to 0stone. Cannot move or act. || 1 || ???Varies
| [[File:norevivenodamage.jpg|50px]] || CannotNo Damage || Reduces damage dealt, or causes you to be revivedunable byto deal any meansdamage at all. (Depends on source) || 1 || ???Varies.
| [[File:stoneblackflame.jpg|50px]] || TurnedBlackflame to|| stone.Deals Cannotdamage to moveyou orover acttime. || 1 || ???Varies
| [[File:physicalnulladfdamageup.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesDamage allDealt physical↑ || Increases all damage takendealt. (Only applies in Astoltia Defense Force) || 1 || ???Oomph Book
| [[File:spellnulladfdamagereduce.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesDamage allMitigation spell|| Reduces all damage taken. (Only applies in Astoltia Defense Force) || 1 || ???Buff Book
| [[File:allnullgilammagic.jpg|50px]] || NullifiesGilam allMagic damage|| You currently have a Gilam Magic effect takenapplied. (Only applies in Banma Tower) || 1 || ???Gilam Magic

Latest revision as of 16:49, 1 July 2024

Battle icons are either positive or negative status effects seen either next to a party member in the party member frame (bottom-right), or next to an enemy's nameplate. Below is a list of all effects as seen in the in-game menu (Misc. > Play Guide > Battle Icons List.)

Battle Icons List

Icon Effect Description Maximum Stages Source
Max HP ↑ Maximum HP increases. 1 Cantlin's Secret
Vital Recital
Life Staff I
Holy Grain
Lively Light
Attack ↑ Attack increases by up to 2 stages. 2 Oomph
etc. (too many sources)
Attack Plus Attack increases by up to 2 stages. 2 Feel the Burn
Demon's Duet
Fang of God I
Fang of God+ I
Stash Power
Iron Advance Attack is increased by a percentage of your defense. 1 Iron Advance I
File:Magicalmightplus.jpg Magical Might Plus Magical might increases. 2 Channel Tantrum
Defense ↑ Defense increases by up to 2 stages. 2 Buff, Kabuff, etc. (too many sources)
File:Defenseplus.jpg Defense Plus Defense increases. 2 N/A
File:Deftnessplus.jpg Deftness Plus Deftness increases. 2 N/A
Weight ↑ Weight increases. 1 Thunk
Heavy Charge
Immovable Object I
Stone Defense
Attributes ↑ Attack, defense, magical might, magical mending, and dodge rate increase. 1 Pet Monster
Movement Speed ↑ Increases your movement speed. 1 ???
Faster Turns Shortens action interval by 0.5 seconds per stage. 2 Accelerate, Acceleratle
File:Intervaldown2.jpg Faster Turns Action interval is shortened. 1 Gone Ballistic
File:Zerointerval.jpg Zero Interval
File:Zodiaccode.jpg Zodiac Code
Faster Spellcasting Increases your spellcasting speed. 1 Faster Caster
Faster Spellcasting Casting time of spells reduced to 1 second. 1 Spelly Breath
Faster Skills Increases your skill execution speed. 1 ???
Charge Time Reduced Shortens the charge time of your CT skills. 1 Clock Charge, Brave Charge
Critical/Haywire ↑ Increases your critical hit rate. 1 ???
File:Criticalup2.jpg Critical/Haywire ↑ Increases your critical hit rate. 1 ???
File:Criticalup3.jpg Critical/Haywire ↑ Increases your critical hit rate. 1 ???
Guaranteed Haywire Your spells will always go haywire. 1 Reverse Enlightenment
File:Alwayscrit.jpg Guaranteed Critical
Spell Power ↑ Increases spell power by 1.5 times at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stages. 2 ???
File:Spellpowerup2.jpg Spell Power ↑
File:Damagelimitbreak.jpg Damage Limit Break
Spell Limit Break Increases damage limit of spells. 1 Channel Rage I, 0 Zone
Spell Recovery ↑ Increases recovery power by 1.5 times at 1 stage, and 2 times at 2 stages. 2 ???
File:Recoveryup2.jpg Spell Recovery ↑ 1 ???
Damage Dealt ↑ Increases all damage dealt. 1 Wild Cry
Tarot Boost Increases the effectiveness of your tarot cards. 1 ???
HP Recovery Attack Recover HP whenever you attack an enemy. 1 ???
File:Hprecoverattack2.jpg HP Recovery Attack 1 ???
MP Recovery Attack Recover MP whenever you attack an enemy. 1 ???
Envenom Attack Your attacks have a chance to inflict poison. 1 ???
Recovery HP On Block Recovers HP whenever you block with a shield. 1 Power Shield
File:Atteributedamageup.jpg Attribute Damage ↑ 1 ???
Fire Fource Your attacks gain the fire attribute. 1 Fire Fource
Frost Fource Your attacks gain the ice attribute. 1 Frost Fource
Gale Fource Your attacks gain the wind and thunder attributes. 1 Gale Fource
Funereal Fource Your attacks gain the dark and earth attributes. 1 Funereal Fource
Life Fource Your attacks gain the light attribute. 1 Life Fource
Whipping Boy You are currently taking damage in place of another party member. 1 Whipping Boy
Dark Gift Reduces damage of a selected ally by 75% and you take the damage instead. 1 ???
Scapeguard Reduce damage taken by 100 and automatically protect nearby allies from attacks. 1 Scape Guard
Dodge Rate ↑ Increases your dodge rate. 1 Tap Dance
Fixed Parry Rate Increases parrying rate when wielding a greatsword. 1 Greatsword Guard
File:Parryupspear.jpg Parry Rate ↑
File:Parryuprod.jpg Parry Rate ↑
Fixed Parry Rate Increases parrying rate when wielding a scythe. 1 ???
File:Blockup2.jpg Block Rate ↑
Block Rate ↑ Increases shield block rate. 1 Immense Defense
File:Roughntumble.jpg Rough 'n' Tumble
File:Shockingtwist.jpg Shocking Twist
Wall of Light Reflects spells back at the caster. 1 Bound, Bounce
Snub Nullifies all attack spells used against you. 1 Snub
Absorb Magic When hit by a spell, restore MP equal to that spell's MP cost. 1 Absorb Magic
Magic Cloak Recovers 10% of damage received as MP. 1 ???
Mist Me Nullifies the next breath attack received. 1 Mist Me
Backdraft Reflects breath attacks back at the caster. 1 ???
Right as Rain Recovers 20% of damage received as HP. 1 Right as Rain, Miracle Rain
Critical Guard Reduces damage taken from critical attacks, desperate attacks, and haywire spells. 1 Critical Guard
File:Desperatemeasures.jpg Desperate Measures
Physical Null Nullifies all physical damage taken. 1 ???
Spell Null Nullifies all spell damage taken. 1 ???
Damage Null Nullifies all damage taken. 1 ???
File:Paladinspalisade.jpg Paladin's Palisade
File:Knightwatch.jpg Knight Watch
File:Undyingwill.jpg Undying Will
Invulnerability Become immune to all damage for a short while after being revived. 1 On revival
Damage Mitigation Reduces damage taken by 20%. 1 Phalanx
File:Damagereduction.jpg Damage Reduction
File:Bodyguard1.jpg Bodyguard
File:Bodyguard2.jpg Bodyguard
File:Bodyguard3.jpg Bodyguard
Spell Res. ↑ Increases spell resistance by 20% per stage. 2 Mage Ward, Magic Barrier
Breath Res. ↑ Increases breath resistance by 20% per stage. 2 Insulate, Insulatle, Clear Mind
File:Attributeresup.jpg Attribute Res. ↑
Ailment Res. ↑ Increases resistance to harmful status effects by 50%. 1 Holy Impregnable
Ailment Null Nullifies any bad status effects. 1 Snap Crackle Poof
Ailment Null Nullifies a bad status effect one time. 1 Ailment Curtailment
Knockback Res. ↑ Increases your resistance to being knocked down. 1 Immovable Object
Jump Attack Null Protects against an attack that requires jumping to dodge one time. 1 Hop Stick
Alma Mater Survive at 1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP is at least 50% or more. 1 Alma Mater
Divine Intervention Survive at 1 HP when you receive a fatal blow when your HP is at least 2 or more. 1 Divine Blessing
Goddess' Grace Revive a short while after dying. 1 Goddess' Grace
HP Regeneration Gradually recovers HP over a duration. 1 Reheal, Remidheal, Remoreheal
MP Regeneration Gradually recovers MP over a duration. 1 ???
HP Link Share your HP pool with another player's HP pool. 1 HP Link
MP Link Share your MP pool with another player's MP pool. 1 MP Link
Zero MP Cost MP cost of spells is reduced to 0. 1 ???
Consume No Tension Stops your tension from decreasing. 1 ???
Zero Gold Cost Skills with gold costs have their cost reduced to 0. 1 ???
File:Freetarots.jpg Free Tarots
Spirit Winds Displayed when a vocation specific special effect is currently active. 1 Varies
Tension Boost In a tension state. Increases the damage or recovery of your next action based on how high your tension is. 4 ???
Feel the Burn Increases your tension whenever you take damage. 1 ???
Tension Link Gain tension whenever the ally you linked with gains tension. 1 ???
Tension Link Gain tension whenever the monster you linked with gains tension. 1 ???
Tension On Action ↑ Increases your tension whenever you use an action. 1 ???
Double Dose Doubles the effectiveness of your consumable items. 1 Double Dip
Item Range Tech Increases the range of your consumable item effects to multiple targets. 1 Item Range Tech
File:Arcanadivination.jpg Arcana Divination
File:Tarotsunavailable.jpg Tarots Unavailable
Seriously Lucky Dip Increases the effectiveness of your "Play" actions. 1 ???
Seriously Whimsical Increases the effectiveness of your "Whimsical" actions. 1 ???
Follow Suit Reflects a percentage of damage taken. 1 ???
File:Thatspecialsummon.jpg That Special Summon
File:Spiritrelease.jpg Spirit Release
Summon Dead One of your spirits is currently summoned. 1 ???
Spirit Guidance One of your spirits is ordered to attack a target. 1 ???
Spirit Defense One of your spirits is defending allies. 1 ???
Wave Gauge Boost Doubles the gauge increase of your Wave Gauge. 1 ???
File:Goneballistic.jpg Gone Ballistic
File:Peppedup.jpg Pepped Up
File:Foodeffect.jpg Food Effect
File:Perfumeeffect.jpg Perfume Effect
File:Attractioneffect.jpg Attraction Effect
File:Safepassageeffect.jpg Safe Passage Effect
File:Charmeffect.jpg Charm Effect
File:Cardeffect.jpg Card Effect
File:Expenhancement.jpg EXP Enhancement
File:Anger.jpg Anger
File:Enrage.jpg Enrage
Max HP ↓ Reduces maximum HP. 1 ???
Attack ↓ Reduces attack by 20% per stage. 2 ???
Defense ↓ Reduces defense by 20% per stage. 2 ???
Zero Defense Defense is reduced to 0. 1 ???
Weight ↓ Reduces weight by 50%. 1 ???
Movement Speed ↓ Reduces movement speed. 1 ???
Slower Turns Lengthens action interval by 1 second at 1 stage, and 1.5 seconds at 2 stages. 2 ???
Damage Dealt ↓ Reduces damage dealt by 30%. 1 ???
Spell Power ↓ Reduces spell power by 50% at 1 stage, and 75% at 2 stages. 2 ???
Spell Res. ↓ Reduces spell resistance by 40% at 1 stage, and 60% at 2 stages. If a monster uses it against you, it will be 20% at 1 stage and 40% at 2 stages instead. 2 ???
File:Breathresdown.jpg Breath Res. ↓
Fire Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to fire-based attacks. 1 ???
Ice Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to ice-based attacks. 1 ???
Wind Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to wind-based attacks. 1 King Fissure
Thunder Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to thunder-based attacks. 1 ???
Earth Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to earth-based attacks. 1 Magma
Dark Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to dark-based attacks. 1 ???
Light Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to light-based attacks. 1 ???
All Resistances ↓ Reduces resistance to all elemental attributes. 1 Fource Break
Damage Taken ↑ Increases damage the target takes by 1.5 times. 1 Somersault Claw, Revol Slicer, Cerberus Rondo
Enthrall Res. ↓ Reduces an enemy's resistance to being charmed. 1 ???
Ailment Res. ↓ Reduces resistance to harmful status effects. 1 ???
Poison/Envenomation A fixed amount of damage is inflicted at a set interval. 1 ???
Electrification Deals a percentage of HP damage to you and any nearby allies every 2 seconds. 1 ???
Confusion Become confused and attack enemies and allies randomly. Damage taken may break the effect early. 1 ???
Curse Become cursed. Cannot escape from battle and there is a 50% chance your action will not be executed. Also may decrease your maximum HP, or deal continuous HP/MP damage. 1 ???
Paralysis Become paralyzed and become unable to move or act. 1 ???
Sleep Fall asleep and become unable to act. Damage taken may break the effect early. 1 ???
Charm Become charmed and attack allies instead of enemies. 1 ???
Bedazzlement Reduces the accuracy of physical attacks. 1 ???
Spell Seal Spells cannot be used. 1 ???
Skill Seal Skills cannot be used. 1 ???
Breath Seal Breath attacks cannot be used. 1 ???
Laugh Become incapacitated. Cannot move or act. 1 ???
Knockdown 1
Bind 1
Frighten 1
Freeze 1
Dance 1
Stun 1
Fear Become horrified. Movement speed is slowed. 1 ???
Death You are dead. Cannot act until revived. If all party members die, the battle ends. 1 -
EXP & Gold ↑ Increases experience and gold gained from an enemy. 1 Best Smile
Training Stamps ↑ Increases experience, gold and special training stamps gained from an enemy. 1 Million Smile

Miscellaneous Effects

These effects are not documented in the in-game Battle Icons List, but are seen throughout different types of content.

Icon Effect Description Maximum Stages Source
No Revive Cannot be revived by any means. 1 Varies
Petrified Turned to stone. Cannot move or act. 1 Varies
No Damage Reduces damage dealt, or causes you to be unable to deal any damage at all. (Depends on source) 1 Varies.
Blackflame Deals damage to you over time. 1 Varies
Damage Dealt ↑ Increases all damage dealt. (Only applies in Astoltia Defense Force) 1 Oomph Book
Damage Mitigation Reduces all damage taken. (Only applies in Astoltia Defense Force) 1 Buff Book
Gilam Magic You currently have a Gilam Magic effect applied. (Only applies in Banma Tower) 1 Gilam Magic