Evil Ganesh

From Ethene
Name Evil Ganesh (ガネーシャエビル)
Lv 92 Weight 747
HP 3574 MP 999
EXP 1519 Gold 11
Attack 421 Defense 369
Family Beast-type
Weaknesses Fire, Darkness
Resistances None
Locations Found True Al-Ahagiro Region, Daleria Sandstone Ruins, Gatara Mountain Forest, Sanctuary of Divine Relics 2, Sanctuary of Divine Relics 3
Secret Trivia 6本のウデに握る武器はそれぞれスキルを極めている。今後はブーメランやムチにも手を広げるつもりらしい。
Common Loot Silver Ore
Rare Loot Kaleidoskin
Equip Chest Drops Blessed Stone Sword
Master Orb Jewels Whimsical Chase, Miracle of Meditation, Secret of Gyrfalcon Slash