Great Troll

From Ethene
Name Great Troll (トロルキング)
Lv 117 Weight 703
HP 7275 MP 117
EXP 2055 Gold 13
Attack 504 Defense 89
Family Demon-type
Weaknesses Light
Resistances Earth
Locations Found Cave of Creation, True Celedot Mountain Pass, Twisted Deformed Earth, Demon Palace, Eternal Ice Field, Heavenly Field, Drand Plains
Secret Trivia いにしえのトロル王国はオーガとの覇権争いに敗れ高度な文明を すべて失い魔物に落ちぶれたのだとか。
Common Loot Demon Orb
Rare Loot Strength Ring
Equip Chest Drops Untouchable, Starball Hammer
Master Orb Jewels Fighting Spirit, Critically Miraculous, Secret of Flash Kill