Mandrake Major

From Ethene

Mandrake Major Skills

Swordplay (ゲッコウ流剣術)
Japanese Name Japanese Translated English Name Description Type MP Cost Charge Time SP Needed
しんくう斬り Vacuum Slash Gust Slash Deals wind damage with a melee strike. Skill 2 - 3
常時ちから+10 Strength + 10 at all times Natural Strength + 10 - Passive - - 7
常時みのまもり+50 Permanent protection +50 Natural Resilience +50 - Passive - - 12
いなずま斬り killing several with one sword sweep Multislash The user attacks all enemies from left to right, with the first attack at full power, the second at 75%, and subsequent attacks at 50%. . Skill 2 - 18
常時かいしん率+5% Always +5% conversion rate ???????? - Passive - - 25
常時さいだいHP+50 Always +50% HP Natural HP+50 - Passive - - 32
らいめい斬り Lightning strike Lightning Slash Powers up an attack with bolts from the blue which strikes all enemies. Skill 6 - 40