Quest 4

From Ethene
(Redirected from Quest 4)
Name Life of Grandpa Yakitori ヤキトリじいさんの日常
Location Langao Village
Coordinates D-4
NPC Gonji ゴンジ
Requirements -
Previous Quest -
Next Quest -
Rewards (First Time / Repeat)
Experience 24 P 6 P
Fame 9 P 0 P
Rewards "Ogre's Greeting" Emote 1 Single Phial


NOTE: This quest cannot be cleared by Trial Players.

  1. Speak with Gonji to begin the quest.
  2. Perform any emote in front of Gonji.
    • This can be done by holding B to open your Frequent Phrases list, and by default your emote list will be listed at the top of page 4.
  3. Go to F-5 and in front of Begazan, say "ごはんだよ!" (gohandayo!) in nearby chat (white chat box).
  4. Speak with Gonji to complete the quest.