Quest 353

From Ethene
Name When the Moon Shines 月の輝くとき
Location T. Linja Tower
Coordinates D-3
NPC Dr. Historica ヒストリカ博士
Requirements Quest 289 completed
Previous Quest 289
Next Quest 354
Rewards (First Time / Repeat)
Experience 40300 P 6200 P
Fame 40 P -
Rewards Ace of Spoils Single Phial (5)


  • Talk to Dr. Historica on the 4th floor of T. Linja Tower to receive White Starting Stone
  • Go down to the 3rd floor and use the Brave Stone (C-4) to transport to F. Linja Tower
  • Interact with the White Pedestal (A-6) twice
  • Kill the Steel Dragomech to receive Tattered Memoir
  • Return to T. Linja Tower and give the Tattered Memoir to Dr. Historica to finish the quest
    • If you have the Thief's Key you can open a chest when you interact with the White Pedestal in T. Linja to receive a Enchanted Stone