Quest 77

From Ethene
Name Novice Minstrel 旅芸人の弟子
Location Orphea Region West
Coordinates D-4/D-5
NPC Polfan ポルファン
Requirements Lv30+ Minstrel
The Minstrel skill "Bonk"
Previous Quest -
Next Quest 78
Rewards (First Time / Repeat)
Experience 2040 P 1020 P
Fame - -
Rewards Minstrel Boots 2 Urbea Copper Coins


  1. Travel to the cave entrance at D4~D5 and talk to Polfan. They will ask you to use the skill Bonk on some enemies. Bonk is the first skill a minstrel can acquire so you should probably have it.
  2. Head to Orphea Region East and make your way into the Orphea Underground Caves. The entrance is located at F5.
  3. Enter a fight with the Squid Kid enemies. Make sure you successfully land Pratfall before killing them.
  4. After the cutscene plays return to Polfan to hand in the quest.