Rainbow Scissor

From Ethene
Name Rainbow Scissor (シーザーレインボー)
Lv 82 Weight 306
HP 2169 MP 111
EXP 787 Gold 12
Attack 423 Defense 462
Family Insect-type
Weaknesses Thunder
Resistances None
Locations Found Popolia Mushroom Mountain, Lyana Desolate Area, Al-Ahagiro Region, True Jyra Jungle
Secret Trivia 派手な色づかいの容姿と誇り高き その振る舞いから虹色の皇帝と呼ばれ恐れられているらしい。
Common Loot Technicolor Dreamcloth
Rare Loot Sunny Citrine
Equip Chest Drops Faerie King Cloak, Faerie King Shoes
Master Orb Jewels Dark Fog Technique, Secret of Persecutter, Secret of Victimiser