Special and Chance Skills: Difference between revisions

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! Class !! Skill Name !! Description !! Showcase
|rowspan="2"| Warrior || Critical Claim (会心必中) || Deals an unresistable critical hit to a target and any enemies nearby. ||
| Boast of Battle (戦陣の凱歌) || Boosts your attack and defense by 2 stages and grants you 100% critical rate for a duration. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Priest || Saint's Song (聖者の詩) || Recovers the HP and status effects of all allies, and revives all dead allies at about 50% HP. ||
| Blessed Boon (神域の加護) || Recovers nearby allies' HP and grants them a Divine Blessing effect. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Mage || 0 Zone (ミラクルゾーン) || Reduces MP costs of spells to 0 and increases your spell damage and casting speed. ||
| Medroa (メドローア) || Deals heavy non-elemental magic damage to enemies in a straight line. Damage is proportional to magical might stat. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Martial Artist || Roaring Tirade (一喝) || Incapacitates all enemies and raises your tension 1 level. ||
[[File:Roaring Tirade.gif|200px]]
| Punch Out (崩命拳) || Deals heavy damage to a single target. Damage is proportional to attack stat. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Thief || Itemised Kill (お宝ハンター) || Deals an attack to a single enemy that stuns them, and causes them to have a guaranteed item drop. Also increases the chance the enemy's rare item will drop. ||
[[File:Itemized Kill.gif|200px]]
| Seeing Stars (ファントムハック) || Damages and incapacitates an enemy and any surrounding enemies. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Minstrel || Rough 'n' Tumble (アクロバットスター) || Increases dodge rate of all party members and raises your tension 1 level. Also, you may occasionally counter normal attacks while the effect is active. ||
[[File:Rough 'n' Tumble.gif|200px]]
| Haze Over (トリックゾーン) || Deals damage, inflicts blind, and lowers defense by 2 stages of the target and any enemies surrounding the target. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Battle Master || Tension Boost (テンションブースト) || Raises your tension to the maximum level. Also grants you a tension lock effect for a duration. || Example
| Burn Rush (ラッシュバーン) || Deals 4 hits randomly to an enemy and any surrounding enemies. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Paladin || Knight Watch (パラディンガード) || Causes all enemies to become angry at you, and you take no damage for 30 seconds. || Example
| Holy Grail (聖光の鎧) || Significantly increases your maximum HP for a duration. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Armamentalist || Magic Roulette (マジックルーレット) || You and nearby allies will recover 999 MP every 3 seconds for 10 seconds. There is also a chance you and your allies' damage dealt will be increased for 15 seconds. || Example
| Magic Blast (エナジーフォール) || Consumes all MP to deal light-attribute damage to an enemy and any surrounding enemies. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Ranger || Brownie Boost (妖精のポルカ) || Raises party's attack and defense by one stage, and restores 30 HP/5 MP every 3 seconds for 2 minutes. ||
| Anubis Assault (アヌビスアタック) || Deals 3 hits to a single target and reduces their defense to 0.
|rowspan="2"| Sage || Spelly Breath (神の息吹) || Raises user's spell power/recovery by one stage, restores 20% of the user MP, increases spell damage dealt, and shortens spell casting time to 1 second for 60 seconds. || [[File:sagespecial.png|200px]]
| Lively Light (天恵の光) || Grants nearby allies an effect that increases their maximum HP. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Superstar || Shocking Twist (モンスターゾーン) || Angers enemies and causes them to become paralyzed when they attack you. Also gain a Goddess' Grace and damage reduction effect.|| [[File:superstarspecial.png|200px]]
| Industry Expert (銀幕の世界) || Reduces the charge time of all charge skills to 1 second for a duration, and raises attack and spell power by 2 stages. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Monster Master || Wild Side (ビーストモード) || Reduces your action interval to 0 for 40 seconds, and raises your Attack and Defense by 2 stages.|| Example
| Crash Claw (流星爪牙) || Deals heavy damage to a single target. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Item Master || Gadget Type-0 (強化ガジェット零式) || Creates a magic circle on the ground that will double damage and recovery, as well as increasing critical and haywire rates of allies standing inside. The circle lasts 20 seconds. || Example
| Absolute Beam (アブソリュートレイ) || Deals damage to a single target, and reduces their defense and spell resistance by 2 stages. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Dancer || Deity Dance (荒神の舞) || Increases the entire party's tension by 4 levels. || Example
| Supreme Score (歌神のスコア) || Creates a magic circle on the ground that boosts the tension of any allies that stand inside. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Fortune Teller || Zodiac Code (ゾディアクコード) || All cards in your hand and any new cards that enter your hand will have Aura and using Tarots will not consume a turn for 40 seconds. || Example
| Wildcard (ワイルドカード) || While the effect is active, Tarots in your hand will not be consumed after using them. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Druid || Mark on Nature (天地鳴動の印) || Shortens you and your active summon's action interval, as well as increasing damage dealt and critical rate. Also resets the timer on your current summon's duration back to 2 minutes.|| Example
| Pea Shocker (シュジャク召喚) || Deals heavy thunder-attribute damage to an enemy and any surrounding enemies. Damage is proportional to attack and magical might stats. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Gadabout || Hocus Pocus (パルプンテ) || A random effect is chosen out of several to occur. See [[Gadabout#Hocus_Pocus|here]] for a list of possible effects. || Example
| Surprise Spinner (びっくりルーレット) || Deals heavy damage with a random attribute to nearby enemies and reduces their resistance to a random attribute. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Death Master || Death Power Boost (デスパワーブースト) || Raises your Death Power to the maximum amount. || Example
| Hades' Banquet (冥界の祝宴) || Grants nearby allies a Goddess' Grace effect with a limited duration. || Example
|rowspan="2"| Demon Swordsman || Demonic Method (錬魔の秘法) || Increases your movement speed and skill activation speed, and reduces your action interval. || Example
| Dark Mark (魔剣解放) || Boosts your Wave Gauge to the maximum amount and activates "Dark Veil". || Example
|rowspan="2"| Pirate || Ultra Cannon (ウルトラ大砲) || Places down a giant cannon that periodically fires at enemies for a time. This cannon does not count against the 3 cannon limit.|| Example
| Gone Ballistic (パニックキャノン) || Grants your currently active cannons a damage reduction effect, lowers their action interval, a chance to apply a fear effect when dealing damage, and resets their installation timer. || Example