Teeny Sanguini

From Ethene
人間を見ると 遊んでほしくて フワフワと ついてくる かわいらしいモンスター。 牛のような模様が 特徴。
Name Teeny Sanguini (モーモン)
Lv 1 Weight 0
HP 7 MP 3
EXP 3 Gold 1
Attack 10 Defense 12
Family Demon-type
Weaknesses All resists
Resistances None
Locations Found Colt Region, Nurturing Land, Road to Nurturing Land
Secret Trivia 黒い模様は 育つにつれて 少しずつ なくなっていき ピンクの毛に生えかわると 一人前と認められる。
Common Loot Medicinal Herb
Rare Loot Pale Pearl
Equip Chest Drops Teeny Sanguini Wand
Master Orb Jewels None

Monster Companion

Besweet Sanguini(ひかりモーモン)
Japanese Name Japanese Translated English Name Description Type MP Cost Charge Time SP Needed
フワフワダンス fluffy dance Fluffle Dance Restores HP of allies, scales with magic mending and style Skill 5 - 3
常時さいだいHP+20 Natural HP+20 Natural HP+20 - Passive - - 7
ベホイミ Behohimi Midheal Restores a moderate amount of HP to one ally. Skills 4 - 12
常時みのまもり+50 Permanent protection +50 Natural Resilience +50 - Passive - - 18
やすらぎハート Yasuragi Heart Peaceful Heart Small MP recovery when enemies are defeated. (in battle or?) Passive - - 25
常時かいふく魔力+40 Natural Magical Mending+100 Natural Magical Mending+100 - Passive - - 32
ラブリーフェイス lovely face Minacious Allure Inflicts damage to surrounding enemies based on magical mending and style, 50% chance to charm. Skill 8 - 40
Bewitch Sanguini (やみモーモン )
Japanese Name Japanese Translated English Name Description Type MP Cost Charge Time SP Needed
ドルマ Doruma Zam Light darkness damage to one enemy. Skill 4 - 3
常時さいだいMP+30 Always +30% MP Natural Maximum MP+30 Passive - - 7
吸血 Suck Blood Nibble Attacks one enemy and recovers HP for damage dealt. Skill 1 - 12
常時身かわし率+5% Always +5% dodge rate Natural dodge chance +5%. Passive - - 18
ドルクマ Dorukuma Zammle Deals medium darkness damage to one enemy. Skill 7 - 25
常時こうげき魔力 +100 Natural Magical Might+100 Natural Magical Might+100 - Passive - - 32
ホラーフェイス horror face Scare Stare Ranged attack which deals damage based on magical might and style, chance to frighten. Skill 8 - 40
1H Handed Wand (两手杖)
Japanese Name Japanese Translated English Name Description Type MP Cost Charge Time SP Needed
装備時MP吸収率+2% MP absorption rate +2% when equipped MP absorption chance+2% when 2H wand equipped - Passive - - 3
デビルンチャーム Devil Charm Devil's Delight Deals an attack to a single enemy for 1.5 times damage against demon-type enemies, with a small chance to charm them. Skill 1 - 7
戦闘勝利時MP小回復 Small MP recovery when winning a battle Small MP recovery after winning a battle. - Passive - - 12
装備時かいふく魔力+60 Attack Magic +60 when equipped Magical Might+60 when 1H wand equipped - Passive - - 18
パニパニハニー Panipani Honey Panipani Honey Attempts to inflict confusion on a single enemy for 40 seconds. Skill 4 - 25
装備時さいだいMP+100 Maximum MP+100 when equipped Maximum MP+100 when 1H wand equipped. - Passive - - 32
戦闘勝利時MP中回復 Medium MP recovery upon victory in battle Moderate MP recovery after winning a battle. - Passive - - 40