Quest 75

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Quest 75 – “Spirit of a Thief” Location - - [Gatara Capital City – H-5] – In the corner of the Tavern, to the right as you enter.

NPC - Darul
Requirement – Recover the belongings!
Initial Reward -  Thief Coup-de-Grace, 20 Skill Points in all Thief Skills
EXP/Fame – 8220/69
Replay Reward - 1 Gold Nuglet
Replay EXP - 4110

Requirements: In order to complete this quest, you must know the Thief skill "Half-Inch". It is the top skill in the Thief tree and allows you to steal from enemies.

  • Head to Gatara and visit the Tavern. Turn right to see Darul and Ishtar standing in the corner. Speak to Darul to start the quest.
  • Seems the Whirlwind Brigade is determined to give thieves a bad name in Gatara and have stolen a couple objects from citizens.
  • Talk to Bitcho, a dwarf that lives next door to the tavern at F-6. He lost a badge, stolen from him by Ruff Ruffians.
  • Talk to Pinat, a Puklipo with turquoise hair standing in front of the woodworking station at F-8. The first urn he ever made was taken by Killer Bees.
  • Both of these monsters hang out in Gulag Underpass, so head there.
  • Steal from, and then defeat, each of these monsters. Ruff Ruffians (the dogs) have the badge and Killer Bees (the hornets) have the urn.
  • Return to Gatara and bring these items back to their rightful owners.
  • Talk to Darul to complete the quest and be rewarded with the Thief's Coup-de-Grace: Itemized Kill (お宝ハンター 'Treasure Hunt') !

Completed Summary - Under the guidance of Agapei, who lives in the castle town of Glen, I defeated the madness inside of myself. A warrior who has defeated their own darkness will never fall into madness, no matter how much power they wield in the future.