Quest 767

From Ethene
Name To Those With Full Bags かばんを持てない者たちへ
Location Gartlant Castle Town
Coordinates F-6 - Inside the Well
NPC Pack パック
Requirements Version 7 Installed
Level 85+
Previous Quest 686
Next Quest -
Rewards (First Time / Repeat)
Experience 66200 P 8800 P
Fame 66 P -
Rewards Item bag increased to 100 slots
2 Kaleidoskin
3 Hardy Hide


  1. To begin the quest, go to Gartlant Castle Town and talk to Pack at F-6, inside the well.
  2. Go to Julet Town and speak with the following people in any order:
    1. Parippi at C-5.
    2. Lumi at the inn at F-4.
    3. Weapon Shop Kelkief at E-7.
  3. Go to Gartlant Castle Town and speak with Pack.
  4. Go to Sierra Shrinelands to defeat Whackolytes on the eastern side of the map (starting at E-4) until you acquire Changing Cloth.
    • You can get there via Zoomstone to Lenam Fields Prayer Inn and head northeast.
  5. Go to Gartlant Castle Town and speak with Pack.
  6. Go to Julet Town and speak with the same three people - Parippi, Lumi, and Weapon Shop Kelkief.
  7. Go to Gartlant Castle Town and speak with Pack to complete the quest.