
Death Master: Difference between revisions

From Ethene
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[[Class List|Class List]]
==Class Quests==
Unlock Quest: [[Quest 603|Quest 603 - Twilight Deathmaster (黄昏のデスマスター)]] <br>
[[Quest 604|Quest 604 - Injured fan (けがされた扇)]] <br>
[[Quest 605|Quest 605 - Is the Stone Tape a Crybaby? (地縛霊は泣き虫?)]] <br>
[[Quest 606|Quest 606 - Please Bentler Coin! (お願いベントラーコイン!)]] <br>
[[Quest 607|Quest 607 - Take you from twilight (黄昏より君を連れて)]] <br>
[[Quest 608|Quest 608 - You swear to the soul that rises to heaven (天に昇る魂に君は誓う)]] <br>
==Class Tree Skills==
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