Quest 145

From Ethene
Name A Rookie's Welcome ようこそ♪ひよっ子ちゃん
Location Megistris City
Coordinates C-7
NPC Sarubarita サルバリータ
Requirements -
Previous Quest -
Next Quest 151
Rewards (First Time / Repeat)
Experience 2040 P -
Fame 34 P -
Rewards Superstar Unlocked 1 Urbea silver coin


Requirement!! : You must know and use a tension increasing skill such as Bonk or Psyche Up. It is recommended to take on this task as a Martial Artist and complete it through the use of Psyche Up.

  • Speak to the Sarubarita in the corner of the Tavern who wants you to be a Superstar. Show her your resounding charisma by defeating a one-eyed mage at Windmill Way while at Super High Tension.
  • Make your way to Windmill Way. The mobs are incredibly easy to find, they look like one-eyed, red-robed mages just outside the town's gate. The killing blow must be one dealt while at maximum tension.
  • With the deed done, return to Megistris City and speak to the NPC once more.