Sticker Monsters

From Ethene

Sticker monsters, or Mimicker monsters, are special monsters that sometimes appear out in the world. When interacted with, they will transform into Stickers that are placed inside your Sticker Book. After collecting enough Stickers, statues of the Sticker monsters can be created to place outside your home.

To start collecting Sticker monsters, you must first complete Quest 173 to gain access to the sauna in Wind Town Azlan. Then, speak to Matsutake in the house at G6 in Azlan to accept Quest 449. You will receive a Sticker Book Key Item and have the ability to find Sticker Monsters out in the world.

How it Works

Once you want to start searching for Sticker monsters, speak with Matsutake and select "Mimicker Info". He will tell you one (or multiple) hints for areas that Sticker monsters are currently appearing in. (Refer to the "Sticker Monster Locations" section below for possible spots for each location.) Sticker Monsters will last for 38 minutes (real time) after which they will disappear.

Finding and speaking with a Sticker monster out in the world will give you one of its stickers. You can have up to 99 of one type of sticker. When first placing a sticker in your Sticker Book, you will be able to read some fun trivia about the monster inside of it. Collecting 3 and 6 of the same type of sticker will unlock the second and third trivia pages respectively.

Depending on the number of unique stickers you place in your Sticker Book, Matsutake will grant you a specific reward.

Unique Types Collected Reward
2 types Mini Medal x30
4 types Yggdrasil Leaf x20
6 types Lottery Ticket x50
8 types Mini Medal x100
16 types Can create Sticker monster statues
24 types Dream Accessory Box 2

Sticker Monster Locations

Below is a table that shows the possible location of each Sticker monster for each area. When Matsutake tells you one of the areas below, it could be in any of the associated locations, so make sure to check as many as you can.

The Five Continents
Hint Area Possible Monsters/Locations
Town of Agrani Raniakka Fault Zone Mashing Mole (H7), Sweepy Samurai (G6)
Dolworm Kingdom Dolworm Kingdom Liquid Soap Slime (House at D7)
Dolworm Crystal Palace Naumanncook (Kitchen)
Goble Desert East Clicksy (Merchants' Tent)
Dematode Highlands Sumo Baby (F3)
Tsusukul Village Tsusukul Plains Mashing Mole (Bridge at D3), Sweepy Samurai (Cliff at E2)
Wind Town Azlan Molinara Forest Sumo Baby (A4)
Royal City Kamiharmui Royal City Kamiharmui (North) Liquid Soap Slime (Samurai Residence)
Kamiharmui Castle Naumanncook (Kitchen)
Sunset Meadow Clicksy (Precipice Village Ruins)
Langao Village Langao Mountains Mashing Mole (Cliff at E3), Sweepy Samurai (Cliff at E2)
Glen Castle Town Gert Strait Clicksy (Bridge Inn)
Gartlant Castle Town Gartlant Castle Town Liquid Soap Slime (Inn)
Gartlant Castle Naumanncook (Kitchen)
Zama Pass Sumo Baby (Upper Cliff at E6)
Pukulet Village Pukulet Region Ladysauratops (G2), Mashing Mole (Upper left of C5), Sweepy Samurai (E4)
Town of Orphea Popolia Mushroom Mountain Sumo Baby (Top left corner of D5)
City of Megistris Megistris City Liquid Soap Slime (Near Fountain at E4)
Megistris Castle Naumanncook (Kitchen)
Choppi Wilderness Clicksy (Wilderness Retreat)
Lane Village Colt Region
Mashing Mole (Top left Cliff at A4), Sweepy Samurai (Cliff at G6)
Sierra Pilgrimage Site Firefly (Bottom left rocks at E5)
Julet Town Kyurarana Coast Firefly (H5)
Cat Island Sumo Baby (North side of F5)
Verinard Castle Town Verinard Castle Town Liquid Soap Slime (House at at F3)
Verinard Castle Naumanncook (Kitchen)
Booner Rainforest Clicksy (Jungle Camp)
Verinard South Firefly (Southern beach at G2)
Verse Mountain Forest Firefly (Near bottom left waterfall at E2)
Keracona Wild Forest Firefly (D2)