Glen Castle Gaiden
From Ethene
The Glen Castle Town substory, "Swordmaster's Sorrow" (グレン外伝クエスト/なげきの妖剣士), shows the player the past relationship between Swordsman Oren and Sage Eigos. This questline can be started after obtaining the Black Key Emblem in Glen.
This substory is composed of the following quests:
- Quest 82 - Swordmaster's Sorrow/Wandering Monster (なげきの妖剣士/さまよえる怪物)
- Quest 83 - Swordmaster's Sorrow/Past Revealed (なげきの妖剣士/明かされる過去)
- Quest 84 - Swordmaster's Sorrow/Awakening Swordsman (なげきの妖剣士/目覚める剣士)
- Quest 85 - Swordmaster's Sorrow/Standing Guardian (なげきの妖剣士/立ちはだかる守護者)
- Quest 86 - Swordmaster's Sorrow/The Truth That Is Handed Down (なげきの妖剣士/語り継がれる真実)