
From Ethene
A Weddie in the Gadabout armor set

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The Gadabout is a very strange vocation, with a majority of their skills having random, uncontrollable effects. They level up faster than other vocations and cannot participate in special training, so they cannot receive any extra skill points. However, they can call additional monsters to battle with a chance of calling metal monsters, so they are useful during daily/weekly subjugations or general level grinding. Their main gimmicks are their "Play" skill, which triggers a random action to an enemy, an ally, or themselves, and their "Whimsical" effects, which trigger randomly after attacking or using a skill. Their coup-de-grace is Hocus Pocus, which generates a random effect. Their vocation proof increases the chance of a Whimsical action triggering.

Lucky Dip Actions

Ally Effects

Japanese Name English Name Lucky Dip Effect Seriously Lucky Dip Effect
仲間をはげます Encourage Allies Boosts nearby allies' attack, defense, or action interval by 2 stages. Boosts all three attributes of nearby allies by 2 stages.
やさしいきもちになる Feel Happy Revives all allies and recovers their HP slightly. Revives and recovers all allies, and grants them a HP recovery effect.
防御のかまえ Defensive Stance All nearby allies take less damage for 25 seconds. All nearby allies take less damage from normal and critical attacks for 25 seconds.
さとりの境地に達した Become Enlightened Boosts nearby allies' spell power and recovery by 1 stage. Boosts nearby allies' spell power and recovery by 2 stages, and grants them a Goddess' Grace and Alma Mater effect.
軽快なステップ Nimble Step Boosts nearby allies' chance to dodge attacks. Boosts nearby allies' chance to dodge attacks and grants them a counterattack effect.

Enemy Effects

Japanese Name English Name Lucky Dip Effect Seriously Lucky Dip Effect
ダジャレを言う Tell a Pun Cause all nearby enemies to laugh. Causes all nearby enemies to laugh and removes all of their positive status effects.
勢いよく転ぶ Take Quite the Fall Either misses or deals a critical hit to all nearby enemies. Deals double damage and a critical hit to all nearby enemies.
石を拾ってお手玉のように投げる Throw a Rock Like A Ping Pong Ball Either randomly damage enemies in front of you 6 times and cause confusion, or damage yourself 6 times. Deals 6 hits for 1.5 times damage to random enemies in front of you and lowers their attack and defense.
石を投げつける Throw a Rock Deals damage to enemies in front of you. Deals heavy damage to enemies in front of you.
悪口を言う Talk Slander Reduces either the attack or defense of nearby enemies by 2 stages. N/A
大声で歌いだす Sing Loudly Inflicts confusion on nearby enemies. Inflicts confusion on nearby enemies and causes them to become more susceptible to harmful status effects.
指をぐるぐる回す Magic Hands Reduces the spell resistance of nearby enemies by 2 stages. Reduces the spell resistance of nearby enemies by 2 stages and inflicts dazzle.
くしゃみをする Sneeze Inflicts stun on a single enemy. N/A

Self Effects

Japanese Name English Name Lucky Dip Effect Seriously Lucky Dip Effect
眠ってしまった Fall Asleep Fall asleep and recover HP and MP. N/A
自分の怪談で震えあがる Shudder at Own Ghost Story Inflict stun on self. N/A
金縛りにあう Get Tied Up Inflict restrain on self. N/A
ひらめいた しかし忘れた Have An Epiphany... But You Forgot Nothing happens. N/A

Hocus Pocus

Listed below are the possible effects when using Hocus Pocus.

Japanese Name English Name Activation Frequency Description
回復魔法陣 Recovery Magic Circle High Places a magic circle on the ground that recovers 20% HP and MP every 3 seconds to any allies standing inside. Effect lasts 24 seconds.
流星 Meteor High 3 meteors rain down that deal 1600-1700 damage each to any enemies hit.
冷たい風が吹き出す Cold Wind Blowing Medium Places ice on the ground, freezing any enemies that come into contact. Effect lasts 30 seconds.
プレゼントボックス Present Box Medium 3 gift boxes fall down and explode, dealing 1100-2800 damage.
遠くで何かが壊れる音がする Heard something breaking from far away Low ???
やまびことなってこだまする Echoed Low ???


Vocation Quests

Unlock Quest: Quest 544 - Imadoki Playboy (イマドキの遊び人)

Quest 545 - A spectacular view of rumor (ウワサのイタ映え絶景)
Quest 546 - Twilight in the Tsusukuru field (ツスクル畑でたがやして)
Quest 547 - Honey Party! (ハニーパーティー!)
Quest 548 - Playboy's liver test (遊び人の肝試し)
Quest 549 - Playboy Fireworks (遊び人ファイアワークス)

Vocation Tree Skills

NOTE: Any skill with a(専)is an "exclusive" skill, meaning it only applies to the current vocation.

Play (遊び)
Japanese Name Japanese Translated English Name Description Type MP Cost Charge Time SP Needed
全職業できようさ+10 (Zen shokugyō de kiyōsa + 10) Dexterity In All Occupations +10 Natural Deftness +10 - Passive - - 16
あそぶ(専)(Asobu) Play (Exclusive) Lucky Dip Execute one of your 遊び (Play) actions. Skill 3 - 16
全職業でみりょく+10 (Zen shokugyō de miryoku + 10) Charm In All Occupations +10 Natural Charm +10 - Passive - - 28
きまぐれな行動+5%(専)(Kimagurena kōdō + 5-pāsento) Whimsical Action +5% (Exclusive) ? Increases the chance of a きまぐれ (Whimsical) action occurring by 5%. Passive - - 40
くちぶえ(専)(Kuchibue) Whistling (Exclusive) Whistle Calls a monster of the same type into the current battle. Has a small chance of calling metal-type monsters. Skill 3 - 48
全職業ですばやさ+10 (Zen shokugyō de subayasa + 10) Agility In All Occupations +10 Natural Agility +10 - Passive - - 56
きまぐれな行動+5%(専)(Kimagurena kōdō + 5-pāsento) Whimsical Action +5% (Exclusive) ? Increases the chance of a きまぐれ (Whimsical) action occurring by 5%. Passive - - 70
なめまわし(専)(Namemawashi) Licking Around (Exclusive) Tongue Lashing Attempts to frighten one enemy for 12 seconds. Skill 4 - 80
全職業でさいだいHP+10 (Zen shokugyō de saidai HP +10) Maximum HP In All Occupations +10 Natural HP +10 - Passive - - 90
ぱふぱふ(専)(Pafupafu) Puff Puff (Exclusive) Puff-puff Attempts to use a certain... technique on a single enemy to stun them for 8 seconds. Skill 6 50/100 100
みりょく+30(専)(Miryoku + 10) Charm +30 (Exclusive) Charm +30 - Passive - - 110
きまぐれな行動+5%(専)(Kimagurena kōdō + 5-pāsento) Whimsical Action +5% (Exclusive) ? Increases the chance of a きまぐれ (Whimsical) action occurring by 5%. Passive - - 120
ほんきであそぶ(専)(Honki de asobu) Play Seriously (Exclusive) ? Strengthens your 遊び (Play) actions, and raises your tension by 1 level. Skill 8 40/90 130
さいだいHP+10(専)(Saidai HP +30) Maximum HP +30 (Exclusive) HP +30 - Passive - - 140
ひゃくれつなめ(専)(Hyakuretsu na me) Hundred Licking (Exclusive) Tongue Bashing Attempts to frighten a single enemy for 20 seconds, reducing their defense to 0 for 15 seconds, and removing any positive status effects. Skill 10 - 150
まねまね(専)(Manemane) Mimicry (Exclusive) Follow Suit Reflects 50% of damage taken and reduces damage taken by 25% for 45 seconds. Skill 12 I(90/180), II(80/150), III(70/120) 180*
まじめにきまぐれ(専)(Majime ni kimagure) Seriously Whimsical (Exclusive) ? Strengthens your きまぐれ (Whimsical) actions for 60 seconds. Skill 8 I(20/135), II(0/90) 200*