Quest 301 - 350
From Ethene
List of quests, from #301 to #350.
- Quest 301 - Devil's Meat Dishes (悪魔の肉料理)
- Quest 302 - Deadly Salad (必殺のサラダ)
- Quest 303 - Birth of a messenger (どうぐ使い誕生)
- Quest 304 - Special training for how to use (どうぐ使いの特訓)
- Quest 305 - Delcroix Study (デルクロアの研究)
- Quest 306 - A man who loved dogs (どうぐを愛した男)
- Quest 307 - Mystery of chest of drawers (タンスの奥義)
- Quest 308 - The Age of How to Use (どうぐ使いの時代)
- Quest 309 - King's gift (王さまのプレゼント)
- Quest 310 - In the Village of Fairy Tales (童話の村で)
- Quest 311 - Chasing the Rabbit (ウサギを追って)
- Quest 312 - Sinful Hero (罪深き英雄)
- Quest 313 - Witches and chickens (魔女とニワトリ)
- Quest 314 - Little Hero Zankrone (小さな英雄ザンクローネ)
- Quest 315 - Words buried in rubble (ガレキに埋もれた言葉)
- Quest 316 - Letter to Heaven (天国への手紙)
- Quest 317 - A glimpse of the scenery (垣間見えた景色)
- Quest 318 - In search of peace (安らぎを求めて)
- Quest 319 - Only One Bond (たったひとつの絆)
- Quest 320 - A black mass of mystery (ナゾの黒いかたまり)
- Quest 321 - King Wakame's Nageki (わかめ国王のなげき)
- Quest 322 - I want to be human soon (早く人間になりたいのぅ)
- Quest 323 - Kalevan Search Request (カレヴァン捜索願い)
- Quest 324 - To the family (家族のもとへ)
- Quest 325 - Lucenda (ルシェンダからの課題)
- Quest 326 - Princess Julia's Wish (ユリア妃の願い)
- Quest 327 - Creeping Dark Footsteps (忍び寄る闇の足音)
- Quest 328 - My beloved Lucenda! (愛しのルシェンダさま!)
- Quest 329 - Way of a bag craftsman (かばん職人の道)
- Quest 330 - Master's Most Disciple (マスターの一番弟子)
- Quest 331 - Roar of Veggie Serk (ベジセルクの咆哮)
- Quest 332 - Kandata group (入団! カンダタ団)
- Quest 333 - The Devil's Gaze Incident (妖魔のまなざし事件)
- Quest 334 - Whereabouts of Tohma (トーマの行方 )
- Quest 335 - Secret Yunohana (秘湯の花)
- Quest 336 - Singing voice floating in the waves (波間に漂う歌声)
- Quest 337 - Annoying Musical Instrument Craftsman (悩める楽器職人)
- Quest 338 - Exploring ancient ruins (いにしえの遺跡探訪)
- Quest 339 - With love from the captain (船長より愛を込めて)
- Quest 340 - Juaro and Zodera (ジュアロとゾデラ)
- Quest 341 - Dancer and Wishes (踊り子と願いごと)
- Quest 342 - Great Priest and Chair (大神官と座長)
- Quest 343 - Destiny Showdown (宿命の対決)
- Quest 344 - Gather! Crown of wisdom (集結!叡知の冠)
- Quest 345 - Authenticity (真偽)
- Quest 346 - Guardian (守護)
- Quest 347 - Fighting Spirit (闘志)
- Quest 348 - The time of prayer is coming (祈りの時は来たりて)
- Quest 349 - Desert Treasures (砂漠の秘宝)
- Quest 350 - Death Fight! Secret hot spring in the mountains (死闘!山奥の秘湯)