Quest 1 - 50
From Ethene
List of quests, from #1 to #50.
- Quest 1 - Explanation Uncle's purpose in life (説明おじさんの生きがい)
- Quest 2 - A Tale of Tiny Love (ちっちゃな恋の物語)
- Quest 3 - Grandma's class (おばあちゃん先生の授業)
- Quest 4 - The Daily Life of Grandpa Yakitori (やきとりじいさんの日常)
- Quest 5 - Caring Obasan's Plan (世話焼きオバサンの計画)
- Quest 6 - Put your thoughts into flowers. (想いを花に込めて)
- Quest 7 - Herbal warriors and rich soil (薬草戦士と豊かな土)
- Quest 8 - A love poem that drifted away (流れ着いた愛の詩)
- Quest 9 - The great trick of the old man who never dies (枯れないジジイの大仕掛け)
- Quest 10 - The Magic Oven (魔法のオーブン)
- Quest 11 - Go for it! Nice one (目指せ! ステキなオネエ)
- Quest 12 - The cook is always busy (コックはいつも大忙し)
- Quest 13 - Oh my dream! (オーマイドリーム!)
- Quest 14 - Hateful wife (憎らしいヨメ)
- Quest 15 - In Search of True Beauty (まことの美を求めて)
- Quest 16 - Mysterious Hemisphere (謎の半球体)
- Quest 17 - To buy a stuffed animal (ぬいぐるみを買いに)
- Quest 18 - It's a royal book! (王家の本であります!)
- Quest 19 - New product has a cherry blossom scent (新商品は桜の香り)
- Quest 20 - Glen Castle in the evening (夕景のグレン城)
- Quest 21 - Brought to you from the tropics! (南国からお届け!)
- Quest 22 - The mine site is the land of the dead (坑道跡は黄泉の国)
- Quest 23 - Fragrant and fantastic fruits (香りたつ幻の果実)
- Quest 24 - From the Blue Port Town (青の港町から)
- Quest 25 - Fierce Warrior Crystals (猛き闘士の結晶)
- Quest 26 - Fluff of Happiness (幸福のモコモコ)
- Quest 27 - Let's hear the sea roar (潮騒を聴かせて)
- Quest 28 - A picture of the city after the rain (雨上がりの都絵図)
- Quest 29 - Warmth of the sun (おひさまのぬくもり)
- Quest 30 - Depository of Love and Trust (愛と信頼の預かり所)
- Quest 31 - Welcome to the Adventurer's Tavern! (冒険者の酒場へようこそ!)
- Quest 32 - A Concierge to Accompany You On Your Journey (旅のお供にコンシェルジュ)
- Quest 33 - Medals and Owner's Remorse (メダル・オーナーの悔恨)
- Quest 34 - The Trials of Dharma (ダーマの試練)
- Quest 35 - The End of the Journey and the Stone of Memory (旅の終わりと記憶の石)
- Quest 36 - Son of a stubborn craftsman (ガンコ職人の息子)
- Quest 37 - Keymaker's Box (カギ師の小箱)
- Quest 38 - The Way of the Weaponsmith (武器鍛冶職人の道)
- Quest 39 - A full-fledged weapon smith (一人前の武器鍛冶職人)
- Quest 40 - Why don't you become an armor smith? (防具鍛冶職人にならない?)
- Quest 41 - Gifts for family (家族への贈り物)
- Quest 42 - Swing the blacksmith hammer! (鍛冶ハンマーを振るえ!)
- Quest 43 - holding up a sewing needle (さいほう針をかかげて)
- Quest 44 - Master Eubia's invitation (マスター・ユービアの誘い)
- Quest 45 - The Way of Living with the Law (さいほうと共に生きる道)
- Quest 46 - Introduction to Woodworking (木工のイロハ)
- Quest 47 - Dismal Kanna-san (へこむカンナさん)
- Quest 48 - We'll do lamp alchemy, right? (ランプ錬金やるっしょ?)
- Quest 49 - You'll be on your own, right? (一人前になるっしょ?)
- Quest 50 - Leave it to Paulia (ポーリアにおまかせ)