Quest List: Difference between revisions

From Ethene
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== Facility Unlock Quests ==
=== Storage additions ===
* [[Quest 30|Quest 30 - 愛と信頼の預かり所 (Depository of Love and Trust (愛と信頼の預かり所)]]
* [[Quest 216|Quest 216 - 夢の倉庫追加計画!(Plan to Add My Dream Warehouse! (夢の倉庫追加計画!)]]
=== Tavern ===
* [[Quest 31|Quest 31 - 冒険者の酒場へようこそ!(Welcome to the Adventurer's Tavern! (冒険者の酒場へようこそ!)]]
=== Sweat and Tear crystals from Material Shop ===
* [[Quest 129|Quest 129 - 汗と涙と素材屋のぼうし (Sweat, Tears, and a Material Store's Hat (汗と涙と素材屋のぼうし)]]
* [[Quest 403|Quest 403 - Red Exercise (赤いエクササイズ (Red Exercise)]]
=== Concierge ===
* [[Quest 32|Quest 32 - 旅のお供にコンシェルジュ (A Concierge to Accompany You On Your Journey (旅のお供にコンシェルジュ)]]
=== Mini Medal Exchange ===
* [[Quest 33|Quest 33 - Medals and Owner's Remorse (メダル・オーナーの悔恨 (Medals and Owner's Remorse)]]
=== Job Change Priest ===
* [[Quest 34|Quest 34 - ダーマの試練 (The Trials of Dharma (ダーマの試練)]]
* [[Quest 130|Quest 130 - 鬼教官の特訓!(Training with a Demon Instructor! (鬼教官の特訓!)]]
=== Skill Resetting ===
* [[Quest 94|Quest 94 - Oath of the Fighting God Lada Ghat(いにしえの遺志を継ぐ者 闘神ラダ・ガートの誓い)]]
=== Hot Spring ===
* [[Quest 173|Quest 173 - The Heart-Pounding Hot Spring Incident! (ドキドキ湯けむり事件! (The Doki-Doki Hot Spring Incident!)]]
* [[Quest 638|Quest 638 - Exciting Spa Life! (ワクワク温泉ライフ! (Exciting Spa Life!)]]
== Important Items ==
=== Dollar Board ===
* [[Quest 199|Quest 199 - Ride on Dollar Board! (ライドオン  ドルボード! (Ride On, Dollar Board!)]]
* [[Quest 219|Quest 219 - Dollar Board Tuning! (ドルボードチューニング! (Dollar Board Tuning!)]]
* [[Quest 446|Quest 446 - Dollar Board Boost! (ドルボードブースト! (Dollar Board Boost!)]]
* [[Quest 552|Quest 552 - Dollar Board Origins! (ドルボードオリジン! (Dollar Board Origins!)]]
=== Zoom Stone ===
* [[Quest 35|Quest 35 - 旅の終わりと記憶の石 (The End of the Journey and the Stone of Memory (旅の終わりと記憶の石)]]
=== Mega Zoom Stone ===
* [[Quest 447|Quest 447 - Winning! Mega Zoom Stone (当選!メガルーラストーン (Winning! Mega Zoom Stone)]]
* [[Quest 455|Quest 455 - Free Campaign to Save Money (お得な無料キャンペーン (Free Campaign to Save Money)]]
* [[Quest 495|Quest 495 - The Secret of Lynx (リンクスのヒミツ (The Secret of Lynx)]]
=== Item Bag Expansion ===
* [[Quest 36|Quest 36 - 頑固職人の息子 (Son of a stubborn craftsman (頑固職人の息子)]]
* [[Quest 174|Quest 174 - かばん工房の秘密 (Secrets of the Bag Workshop (かばん工房の秘密)]]
* [[Quest 237|Quest 237 - 父と息子 (Father and Son (父と息子)]]
* [[Quest 329|Quest 329 - かばん職人の道 (The Way of the Bag Maker (かばん職人の道)]]
* [[Quest 466|Quest 466 - Difficult orders (むずかしい注文 (Difficult orders)]]
=== Equipment Bag Expansion ===
* [[Quest 93|Quest 93 - そうびぶくろ超整理術 (Super Organizing Techniques for Equipment Bags (そうびぶくろ超整理術)]]
* [[Quest 239|Quest 239 - 超整理術の奥義 (The Inner Secrets of Super Organizing (超整理術の奥義)]]
* [[Quest 379|Quest 379 - Lose Providence (失われた摂理 (Lose Providence)]]
* [[Quest 467|Quest 467 - 思い出の整理術 (How to Organize Your Memories (思い出の整理術)]]
=== Dress-up Doll ===
* [[Quest 226|Quest 226 - Come, Fashion Master (来たれ おしゃれマスター (Come, Fashion Master)]]
=== Special Keys ===
* [[Quest 37|Quest 37 - Keymaker's Box (カギ師の小箱 (Keymaker's Box)]]
* [[Quest 279|Quest 279 - Unopened Small Box (開かずの小箱 (Unopened Small Box)]]
=== Iron Safe ===
* [[Quest 448|Quest 448 - 伝説の防具を求めて (In Search of Legendary Armor (伝説の防具を求めて)]]
== Level Cap Quests ==
* [[Quest 97|Quest 97 - Those Who Aim High (高みを目指す者)]] - Lv Cap -> 55
* [[Quest 120|Quest 120 - Those who Aspire to even Greater Heights (さらなる高みを目指す者)]] - Lv Cap -> 60
* [[Quest 176|Quest 176 - Limits Beyond Limits (限界の先の限界)]] - Lv Cap -> 65
* [[Quest 200|Quest 200 - strong men (人の域を超えた強者)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 70
* [[Quest 220|Quest 220 - At the end of endless training (果てなき修練の末に)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 75
* [[Quest 238|Quest 238 - Trials of Our Lady of Battle (闘戦聖母の試練)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 80
* [[Quest 380|Quest 380 - Inspire Courage (勇気を奮い立たせて)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 85
* [[Quest 404|Quest 404 - Wrap in Charity (慈愛で包み込むように)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 90
* [[Quest 413|Quest 413 - Accumulate wisdom (英知を積み重ねて)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 93
* [[Quest 417|Quest 417 - Prayer (祈りを捧げて)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 96
* [[Quest 454|Quest 454 - The Heart of Justice (正義の心 宿りし時に)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 99
* [[Quest 470|Quest 470 - Judgment of Takeo Hoshitatsu (星辰武王の審判)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 100
* [[Quest 511|Quest 511 - Listen to the sound of the wind (風の音色を聴け)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 105
* [[Quest 551|Quest 551 - A world touched by your fingertips (指先で触れる世界)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 108
* [[Quest 572|Quest 572 - The truth you see with your eyes (心眼で見る真実)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 110
* [[Quest 614|Quest 614 - Trajectory to follow with fragrance (香りでたどる軌跡)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 112
* [[Quest 627|Quest 627 - The Final Trial of King Hoshitatsu (星辰武王の最終試練)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 114
* [[Quest 639|Quest 639 - Ichi's five voices are singing voices (壱の五声は歌の声)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 116
* [[Quest 668|Quest 668 - The Second Five Voices Are the Voices of the Call(弐の五声は呼の声)]] - Lv Cap ➜ 118
== Side Quests that require typing in Japanese ==
=== Version 1 ===
* [[Quest 4|Quest 4 - The Daily Life of Grandpa Yakitori (やきとりじいさんの日常)]]
=== Version 4 ===
* [[Quest 480|Quest 480 - Treacherous Friend (獅子身中の虫)]]

Latest revision as of 20:40, 13 June 2021

Quests sorted by number

Class Unlock quests and Class Quests

Crafting Quests

Sub Story Quests

Facility Unlock Quests

Storage additions


Sweat and Tear crystals from Material Shop


Mini Medal Exchange

Job Change Priest

Skill Resetting

Hot Spring

Important Items

Dollar Board

Zoom Stone

Mega Zoom Stone

Item Bag Expansion

Equipment Bag Expansion

Dress-up Doll

Special Keys

Iron Safe

Level Cap Quests

Side Quests that require typing in Japanese

Version 1

Version 4