Vocation Quests: Difference between revisions

From Ethene
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=== Battle Master (バトルマスター) ===
* Unlock Quest: [[Quest 177|Quest 177 - Hop to it, Battle Master! (パシれ!バトルマスター)]]
*[[Quest 179|Quest 179 - Coliseum back menu (コロシアムの裏メニュー)]]

Revision as of 19:03, 9 April 2021

Warrior (戦士)

Priest (僧侶)

Mage (魔法使い)

Martial Artist (武闘家)

Thief (盗賊)

Minstrel (旅芸人)

Battle Master (バトルマスター)

Paladin (パラディン)

Armamentalist (魔法戦士)

Ranger (レンジャー)

Sage (賢者)

Superstar (スーパースター)

Monster Master (まもの使い)

Item Master (どうぐ使い)

Dancer (踊り子)

Fortune Teller (占い師)

Druid (天地雷鳴士)

Gadabout (遊び人)

Deathmaster (デスマスター)

Demon Swordsman (魔剣士)